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Campaign for bald Barbie

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Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby quidam » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:38 pm

I'm not certain if anyone else has seen this yet.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/1 ... 97469.html

Apparently there is a petition on change.org as well as a FB page.

What do you all think about it? Any opinions?

The idea doesn't bother me too much, but I admit I was thinking of it more from a customization point than the sickness point of view. (Plus, I was never a Barbie girl, which might sway my opinion.)The comments below the article seem very against it in general.
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Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Evelien » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:59 pm

I commented on this doll elsewhere yesterday, don't remember where it was... but I don't think too many people would be interested (from the non-customization point of view). I think people play with dolls to enact a fantasy of some sort and the dolls should be pretty so they can be idealized, I think that's the general idea anyway. I've never wanted a doll that was just like me so that I could relate to it... Au contraire.
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Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:20 pm

It'll probably never happen - or if it does it will be seriously limited and expensive. The fact that people who start these campaigns don't take into account is that if they can't make money on it Mattel won't do it, and there just aren't enough people out there who would buy it.

Sure, lots of people will sign a petition in favor, but only about 20% will actually end up putting down money on it. Most signers are just people who sympathize.
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Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:47 pm

Greyhaunt wrote:It'll probably never happen - or if it does it will be seriously limited and expensive. The fact that people who start these campaigns don't take into account is that if they can't make money on it Mattel won't do it, and there just aren't enough people out there who would buy it.

Sure, lots of people will sign a petition in favor, but only about 20% will actually end up putting down money on it. Most signers are just people who sympathize.

I agree! There was another doll campaign to have Amercian Girl make albino doll. http://boston.cbslocal.com/2011/01/05/n ... girl-doll/
But now that I'm more into the dolly know, why doesn't the mom just have someone custom make one.

And a company already makes bald 18" play dolls, the Sew Able dolls. http://www.sew-dolling.com/dollys_friends.
I don't why people are so stupid sometimes and not doing research or giving a smaller company business. >:(
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Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Mary Kathryn » Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:52 pm

Oh, if they did the customizing community would have a field day.
Seriously, a bald Barbie? Well, wouldn't you want to get rid of the eybrows and lashes, too? Would you want to include the other effects that chemo has on the body? I think that kids play with toys to get away to a fantasy land not looking for reality. And when your reality is cancer, well, for me I'd want the escape. If a child needs solidarity with a doll why not take a Barbie they already own and shave her head? That would seem more realistic to me.
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'Bald and Beautiful Barbie' Campaign

Postby Linsilee » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:36 pm

I got a call from my friend George telling me he just saw something interesting on the news and told me that there was a website out there to try to encourage Mattel to come out with a 'Bald and Beautiful Barbie' for girls who are having to go through cancer treatments.

So I looked online to see what I could find and wow...there are a lot of links out there for this. I thought I would share some of the links I found.

Bald and Beautiful Barbie

Young cancer survivors lobby Mattel for bald Barbie

Will Barbie's New Look Be Bald?

If Mattel does make a Bald Barbie, I would buy her.
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Re: 'Bald and Beautiful Barbie' Campaign

Postby PaleAmethyst » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:41 pm

I would only buy her if Mattel donates the money made to cancer research and/or support for cancer patients. All of it, if they could.

Re: 'Bald and Beautiful Barbie' Campaign

Postby animeangel09189 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:01 pm

Mattel doesn't accept ideas from outside sorceces ? ok fine but couldn't they break that rule just for this one idea? gosh its a good idea

Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:31 pm

Just as an FYI, Moonwillow started a second topic on this same story so I went ahead and merged them to keep the discussion all together :)
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Re: Campaign for bald Barbie

Postby Linsilee » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:34 pm

Sorry about that. I did a search but it was in the 1/6 area and didn't know it was here. *smiles*
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