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Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

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Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby Sixoclock » Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:10 am

Okay, so I am finally getting around to getting my girls set set-- which includes the lovely Neris. :3 For the life of me I cannot get out her default eyes.

I have used a hairdryer at both low and high speeds and it's making pretty much NO change in the glue. I sat there for nearly 15 mins with my fingers burning and NOTHING. ._.

I saw another method involving using Testors Thinner to eat away at the glue--- but.. I guess I am just a little leary because I want to preserve her current face-up for now and kinda don't want to risk it getting on the eye make-up.

Anyone else have any luck with this?
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby myotishia » Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:14 am

try using some tweezers to gently pry out the glue.
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby kittyasauras » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:26 pm

What kind of glue is it? o___o? I wasn't aware volks glued in eyes. It's like they don't want to change them haha

Maybe you could try sticking the head in the freezer? That works on the resins when I've superglued a magnet in backwards.
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby landwhale » Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:51 pm

Volks always glues the eyes into their dolls. It looks like some sort of special hot glue preshaped into tabs. Best thing is to use tweezers or very small needle nose pliers to grab at the tabs.
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby famedglory » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:54 pm

Try putting the head in the freezer for a couple hours. It'll help make the glue brittle and separate from the head without damaging the vinyl.
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby Sixoclock » Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:57 am

Gonna try the freezer method. I did try tweezers but was getting nowhere. Thank you all for the help!
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby Sixoclock » Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:18 am

Freezer method did nothing. :( Gonna try sitting there longer with the hairdryer. Oy.
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Re: Help Removing DD eyes. >_>

Postby Sixoclock » Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:55 am

YAY!!!! Got them out!!!! Geez what a pain!!! Annoying though-- one of the eyes has a small scratch/crack in it. And it was in, in such a way that it was facing the dolls face, covered in glue. Meaning: it was put in the doll with the tiny crack in it. :( It was the one eye I managed to get out with one good pull and the eye with glue construct came out in one piece. I gently pulled off the glue to reveal a tiny crack. It's not too bad, since you don't see it when the eyes are in a doll. But, if I or someone elese (should I decide to sell them) wanted to put the eyes in a different doll -- depending on eye size, you "might" see it. :P

Oh well, I am SO glad they are out now!!! ^__^ Now I can give the head a small cleaning and spray!!
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