by OutBriefCandle » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:53 pm
I rinsed all the styling gel out of Toralei's hair, it's a little fluffier without it but only a little, and I think she looks cuter that way. Had to trim some oddly overlong strands though. Trying to decide now whether to try to replicate the body stripes on her tail or just go with rings all the way around it instead since it's so skinny. ...I just can't stop fiddling with this girl. XD
My parents usually get us something for Valentine's Day and mom asked if I wanted a friend for Toralei...only thing is you walk into a store and you're lucky to find any dolls at all let alone anything particular. Heck, the only ones I've seen in person so far aside from CAS are really just her and Cleo.
Ryo - DIM Real (NS)
Ariel - BBB Sprite (Blue)
Peaseblossom - BBB Ariel (Lilac)
Bast - Fairyland MNF Woosoo Vamp (WS)
Bernadette - Hujoo Berry (Apricot)
Mustardseed - Realpuki Tyni (NS)
Dove - BBB Pixie (Chocolate)
Loki - Hujoo Jake
Monster High Toralei
Monster High Clawd Wolf
Perneth - RS Pixiu (Sky Blue)