by OutBriefCandle » Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:42 pm
Managed to mix a near perfect match to Toralei's stripes, and it only took four different colors to do it! XD Used it to restore the stripes on her hip that somehow came out of the box already rubbed faint, and added a few rings to her tail. Looks good. I think I'm done fussing with my girl. For now. Unless I decide to darken the tip of her nose to make her look more catlike.
...These dolls should really come with some kind of warning. May cause addiction. XD
Ryo - DIM Real (NS)
Ariel - BBB Sprite (Blue)
Peaseblossom - BBB Ariel (Lilac)
Bast - Fairyland MNF Woosoo Vamp (WS)
Bernadette - Hujoo Berry (Apricot)
Mustardseed - Realpuki Tyni (NS)
Dove - BBB Pixie (Chocolate)
Loki - Hujoo Jake
Monster High Toralei
Monster High Clawd Wolf
Perneth - RS Pixiu (Sky Blue)