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Teh Suckz Thread

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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:02 am

Normal and expected. But the thing of it is, their ad was listed for orlando, but they're not IN Orlando. They're 3 towns over.. everyone is shocked at the distance I commute and I'm sitting here going 'thats because they told me different locations.'
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:25 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:Oh mah lawd and it just KEEPS getting BETTER. I have to commute even FURTHER now, for the next week. I have to go to a meeting on Thursday at 8:45, but my shift doesn't start til 2pm. Then, tonight's meeting, was a bunch of people loitering around the conference room, socializing and chatting and NOT DOING ANYTHING that I TOTALLY could have skipped out on, and NOT MISSED A DAMN THING OF VALUE. Meeting was at 6, got done [socializing] at about 7, and went to the location to set up for our next show, because it was too friggin far to drive all the way home, then all the way back out at 8:30, which was when we were allowed to go in to set up. Then, my coworker was half an hour late, our location wasn't ready for us, half our damn equipment was missing, and the inventory was scrambled. What should have been a 20 minute thing turned into an hour long ordeal. AND I'M NOT GETTING PAID FOR IT. Four hours of my day (five and a half if you include the hour to drive there in traffic, and the half hour drive home; I left at 5, didn't get home til almost 11) gone.

I was soooo excited to get a job but this.... this is bull.

I'm telling you - RUN, don't walk, RUN out the door. You'd be better off without whatever this company deigns to give you in your paycheck. Do they even realize that if you were to get hurt while doing unpaid work, it would not be covered by workman's comp and you could sue the company itself (not to mention the amount of trouble they'd find themselves in with the government)?

BTW, did they have you sign any paperwork regarding your employment? Did you get copies? First, if you did sign and did not get copies, tell HR you want copies for your own records. They are required by law to make your personal file available to you, however. If you do have copies of the paperwork you signed, take a few minutes to review it. That should spell out exactly what your pay and hours are and what is expected of you.

Again, I repeat . . . RUN!
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby EAB » Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:21 pm

Kirah is right. This awful job is sapping your peace, strength and energy--and time you could be using to find something else.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:47 pm

Ouch..Okami I'm with Kirah on this one.

......It's happened again. My mom borrowed my money again. Even though she's gonna pay me back it's a little annoying..
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby maywong » Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:54 pm

Still haven't heard back from the artist from over seas. Arrggg!
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby thisstrangeforest » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:42 pm

I'm 7 months preggers but I feel like this could happen at any moment :(

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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:28 pm

I'm looking for other places. I've applied to a few 'grind' jobs, such as Home Depot, Panera, Ross, and a few others. I'm going to send in some apps for some bank teller positions. On the plus side, if they actually pay me what I'm supposed to make, I made $125 in commission, working 6.5 hours....7.5 if you include the nonsense meeting this morning. So, on the one hand, yes there is a lot of BS. I may not make good money all the time. But if I can average that kind of pay, I may just have to grin and bear it for a little while. This is soooo definitely not a long term thing for me. I won't last. Everyone is so fake. But if I can suck it up for a few weeks, even a few months, just to get my student loan caught up, and pay off the cable bill in full... in this economy, it's hard to turn that down. I just really hope they don't try to pull some sort of who-do with my paycheck.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:02 pm

Okami: I'm glad you've found your carrot at least. Good luck!!!!

ThisStrangeForest: That picture is too awesome!
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby thisstrangeforest » Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:32 pm

Dell financial Services really ticks me off. I've contacted them repeatedly explaining that a bill they keep trying to make my mother in law pay is a bill from years ago that is ours from when we were living with them and they still haven't sent us anything about it. Now they are harassing her constantly while she is overseas. Not to mention had they taken the dang payments automatically as we had signed up for it would have been paid off forever ago. They never sent anyone anything about the damn thing until now! And have refused to speak to us. And of course they want it now that I quit my job. Looks like they are waiting until taxes next year it's not like they seem to be in any rush. That is if they even decide to send us the bill by then.I have half a mind to tell her to just report it as credit fraud and be done with it. I mean all I can do is jump up and down screaming we'll pay you over here! And if they don't want the moolah *shrug*

ahhh now hubby doesn't get any days off this week either, instead he's filling in for two dispatchers over his weekend so much for seeing him.

grrrr and now my ob calls and cancels my appointment when it was important I see him tomorrow. I's the last day he was driving out here. Now I have to play phone tag with his nurses until I can catch him to try and switch my induction date because he scheduled me on my brothers graduation day. And now I've got to see the new guy who's filling in until April. The end of today is just getting better by the second! /sarcasm
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby tirsden » Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:33 am

Got a database post deleted on DoA because of a broken image... that is working perfectly fine. >_< Now I am worried they are just going to go delete the rest cuz they feel like it. >___< Those entries are often some work to put together and I have every single one linked from my doll site. x_x Hopefully I get someone's attention on the ask-a-mod board before anything worse happens.

At least big Karl finally shipped, 18.5 weeks for a 6-7 week supposed wait. I should be happy right now, dammit. :x
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