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Tips for saving up for your (first) BJDs?

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Re: Tips for saving up for your (first) BJDs?

Postby Lily » Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:51 am

I can't wait to see her! Post pics when she arrives!

And your waistline is probably grateful. :)
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Re: Tips for saving up for your (first) BJDs?

Postby ChelseaWhiteArt » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:17 am

I haven't yet bought a doll and at the moment I am not saving for one because I just recently built one, but I am saving for some new and horridly expensive computer programs. I have $340.00 saved in a music box. What I do to save money is as soon as I get paid a small percentage goes into that music box. Then I force myself to forget about that money, chant a mantra that it isn't even mine to touch now that its in that box and walk away from it. I've also left reminders all around my house about how great it's going be when I have those programs. I suppose after I have completed that goal I will begin saving for this guy. ---> http://www.iplehouse.net/shop/step1.php?number=2492

Gods I want him sooo bad.
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Re: Tips for saving up for your (first) BJDs?

Postby magkelly » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:43 pm

Well, honestly I can't afford most BJD's so I don't let myself even think about going there. I admire them from afar, that's it, but when it comes to saving for dolls I do want, Barbies, the odd Tonner I do one thing. I toss all my coin change at the end of the day into a bank that's labeled "fun" and I leave it there to accumulate until I have enough to buy one. I do the same thing for photo gear. I buy the stuff I do need but the coin change goes into a bank for splurges. I also almost never buy a doll unless there's a major sale going on and if it's a bigger I almost always sell the clothes off the doll's back and make new ones. Whatever I get for the clothes I put into the bank.

I also barter for dolls. I'm very computer literate. I'm a semi-pro photographer. People will trade me dolls for pics and/or doing digital work. Mostly I like to pay my rent doing that but I've been known to work for Barbies too, smile. Find a skill you have, use it to barter for dolls. There's always babysitting and recycling and such too. Whatever little bit you can do adds up...
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Re: Tips for saving up for your (first) BJDs?

Postby Opalwhisker » Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:38 pm

ahhhh everyone thanks for the tips! :'D I actually just bought my first BJD! <3 it's the pipos charlotte ;v;b so excited to get her <3 i guess now i should save up for a demon and keep searching for a soom yrie/alk ;v;
Hi! I'm kind of new to... well... everything! ^^; please excuse any stupid questions I might have.
I love to draw and I'm interested in starting to learn how to do face ups!
My Deviant Art page: http://opalwhisker.deviantart.com/
My Icon was not drawn by me, but by a close friend of mine! It does feature my character Pidge though!
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