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New Paltz, NY+Hudson Valley Meetup!

You hope, you pray you aren't alone in your dollieh fantaticism - so organize that meetup and see who else shares your illusions and dillusions.

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New Paltz, NY+Hudson Valley Meetup!

Postby MissIscariot » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:32 pm

It's a bit late notice, but the Hudson Valley BJD fans group is having a meetup in New Paltz, NY. We'll be meeting Sunday, March 11th at Cafeteria (formerly known as The Muddy Cup, located on Main Street by Cabaloosa's) at approximately 1 PM. Cupcakes will be provided, but I encourage you to buy beverages+other snacks at the counter. Post here or on the DoA thread to let us know if you're coming. :)

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