by OkamiKodomo » Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:54 pm
lol -pats flea- If I had a dollar for every time I've name-scrambled, I'd be very very rich right now. Don't sweat it. But thank you!~ XD I'm pleased with her. Next up.... a CAM sea monster repaint "commission"...and that's in quotes because I'm doing it in trade for the first werewolf head I repainted... this is just the first time my friend has been able to bring her over for her repaint. -headdesk-
Sad that this check wasn't enough to give me dollieh moneh. There's only 2 more monsters on my Must Have list. A Lagoona, and Nefera.
Need names for my three repaints so far though. There's the CAM werewolf, I've just been calling Blue, my Draculaura repaint with a red theme that seems to be trying to claim the name Scarlett, and now my Cleo repaint. The name Summer seems to suit her.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!