Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Rule 43. Defendant's Presence
(a) When Required. Unless this rule, Rule 5, or Rule 10 provides otherwise, the defendant must be present at:
(1) the initial appearance, the initial arraignment, and the plea;
(2) every trial stage, including jury impanelment and the return of the verdict; and
(3) sentencing.
(b) When Not Required. A defendant need not be present under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Organizational Defendant. The defendant is an organization represented by counsel who is present.
(2) Misdemeanor Offense. The offense is punishable by fine or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, and with the defendant's written consent, the court permits arraignment, plea, trial, and sentencing to occur by video teleconferencing or in the defendant's absence.
(3) Conference or Hearing on a Legal Question. The proceeding involves only a conference or hearing on a question of law.
(4) Sentence Correction. The proceeding involves the correction or reduction of sentence under Rule 35 or 18 U.S.C. §3582 (c).
(c) Waiving Continued Presence.
(1) In General. A defendant who was initially present at trial, or who had pleaded guilty or nolo contendere, waives the right to be present under the following circumstances:
(A) when the defendant is voluntarily absent after the trial has begun, regardless of whether the court informed the defendant of an obligation to remain during trial;
(B) in a noncapital case, when the defendant is voluntarily absent during sentencing; or
(C) when the court warns the defendant that it will remove the defendant from the courtroom for disruptive behavior, but the defendant persists in conduct that justifies removal from the courtroom.
(2) Waiver's Effect. If the defendant waives the right to be present, the trial may proceed to completion, including the verdict's return and sentencing, during the defendant's absence.
NHL Official RulesRule 43 - Checking from Behind
43.1 Checking from Behind – A check from behind is a check delivered on a player who is not aware of the impending hit, therefore unable to protect or defend himself, and contact is made on the back part of the body. When a player intentionally turns his body to create contact with his back, no penalty shall be assessed.
43.2 Minor Penalty - There is no provision for a minor penalty for checking from behind.
43.3 Major Penalty – Any player or goalkeeper who cross-checks, pushes or charges from behind an opponent who is unable to protect or defend himself, shall be assessed a major penalty. This penalty applies anywhere on the playing surface (see 43.5).
43.4 Match Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a match penalty if, in his judgment, the player attempted to or deliberately injured his opponent by checking from behind.
43.5 Game Misconduct – A game misconduct penalty must be assessed anytime a major penalty is applied for checking from behind.
43.6 Fines and Suspensions - Any player who incurs a total of two (2) game misconducts under Rule 41 and/or Rule 43, in either theRegular season or Play-offs, shall be suspended automatically for the next game of his team. For each subsequent game misconduct penalty the automatic suspension shall be increased by one game.
If deemed appropriate, supplementary discipline can be applied by the Commissioner at his discretion (refer to Rule 28).
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The International Search Report
43.1 Identifications
The international search report shall identify the International Searching Authority which established it by indicating the name of such Authority, and the international application by indicating the international application number, the name of the applicant, and the international filing date.
43.2 Dates
The international search report shall be dated and shall indicate the date on which the international search was actually completed. It shall also indicate the filing date of any earlier application whose priority is claimed or, if the priority of more than one earlier application is claimed, the filing date of the earliest among them.
43.3 Classification
(a) The international search report shall contain the classification of the subject matter at least according to the International Patent Classification.
(b) Such classification shall be effected by the International Searching Authority.
43.4 Language
Every international search report and any declaration made under Article 17(2)(a) shall be in the language in which the international application to which it relates is to be published, provided that:
(i) if a translation of the international application into another language was transmitted under Rule 23.1(b) and the International Searching Authority so wishes, the international search report and any declaration made under Article 17(2)(a) may be in the language of that translation;
(ii) if the international application is to be published in the language of a translation furnished under Rule 12.4 which is not accepted by the International Searching Authority and that Authority so wishes, the international search report and any declaration made under Article 17(2)(a) may be in a language which is both a language accepted by that Authority and a language of publication referred to in Rule 48.3(a).
43.5 Citations
(a) The international search report shall contain the citations of the documents considered to be relevant.
(b) The method of identifying any cited document shall be regulated by the Administrative Instructions.
(c) Citations of particular relevance shall be specially indicated.
(d) Citations which are not relevant to all the claims shall be cited in relation to the claim or claims to which they are relevant.
(e) If only certain passages of the cited document are relevant or particularly relevant, they shall be identified, for example, by indicating the page, the column, or the lines, where the passage appears. If the entire document is relevant but some passages are of particular relevance, such passages shall be identified unless such identification is not practicable.
43.6 Fields Searched
(a) The international search report shall list the classification identification of the fields searched. If that identification is effected on the basis of a classification other than the International Patent Classification, the International Searching Authority shall publish the classification used.
(b) If the international search extended to patents, inventors' certificates, utility certificates, utility models, patents or certificates of addition, inventors' certificates of addition, utility certificates of addition, or published applications for any of those kinds of protection, of States, periods, or languages, not included in the minimum documentation as defined in Rule 34, the international search report shall, when practicable, identify the kinds of documents, the States, the periods, and the languages to which it extended. For the purposes of this paragraph, Article 2(ii) shall not apply.
(c) If the international search was based on, or was extended to, any electronic data base, the international search report may indicate the name of the data base and, where considered useful to others and practicable, the search terms used.
43.6bis Consideration of Rectifications of Obvious Mistakes
(a) A rectification of an obvious mistake that is authorized under Rule 91.1 shall, subject to paragraph (b), be taken into account by the International Searching Authority for the purposes of the international search and the international search report shall so indicate.
(b) A rectification of an obvious mistake need not be taken into account by the International Searching Authority for the purposes of the international search if it is authorized by or notified to that Authority, as applicable, after it has begun to draw up the international search report, in which case the report shall, if possible, so indicate, failing which the International Searching Authority shall notify the International Bureau accordingly and the International Bureau shall proceed as provided for in the Administrative Instructions.
43.7 Remarks Concerning Unity of Invention
If the applicant paid additional fees for the international search, the international search report shall so indicate. Furthermore, where the international search was made on the main invention only or on less than all the inventions (Article 17(3)(a)), the international search report shall indicate what parts of the international application were and what parts were not searched.
43.8 Authorized Officer
The international search report shall indicate the name of the officer of the International Searching Authority responsible for that report.
43.9 Additional Matter
The international search report shall contain no matter other than that specified in Rules 33.1(b) and (c), 43.1 to 43.3, 43.5 to 43.8, and 44.2, and the indication referred to in Article 17(2)(b), provided that the Administrative Instructions may permit the inclusion in the international search report of any additional matter specified in the Administrative Instructions. The international search report shall not contain, and the Administrative Instructions shall not permit the inclusion of, any expressions of opinion, reasoning, arguments, or explanations.
43.10 Form
The physical requirements as to the form of the international search report shall be prescribed by the Administrative Instructions.
George Washington's Rules of CivilityRule 43
Do not express joy before one sick or in pain for that contrary passion will aggravate his misery.
Oxford DictionaryRule 43
(in the UK) a prison regulation whereby prisoners, typically sex offenders, can be isolated or segregated for their own protection.
The Rules of the InternetAnonymous : 2007-02-15 23:05
Rule 43: Someone would fap to it.
The Blood » Tracks » Rule 43 (2:57)
On False Gestures For A Devious Public
Buy at Amazon MP3 ($0.99)
[Bad Parenting Advice Rules of ParentingRule #43: Feed Your Child Garbage
Internet Rule 43The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
Tao of the Windows InstallerRule 43: Think carefully about Merge Module Patching
Road Trip America Defensive Driving Rule #43: Recognize the Futility of Rushing
Southern Belle’s HandbookRule #43
The good Lord wouldn’t have made temptations so wonderful if He didn’t expect us to give in every now and then.
NCIS Gibbs List of Rules to Live By Rule #43: [UNSTATED]
United Nations Security Council Resolution 263Rule 43
Speeches made in the official languages shall be interpreted into the working languages.
Etiquette for a Lady
Rule #43: Say what you feel. This is no longer a man's world, ladies.