by fleacollar999 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:23 pm
Okay, not doll related and kind of pathetic, but I have no friends. I've got my twin sis and her boyfriend, my roommate and her boyfriend, and that's it. I literally have no other friends. They all dumped me when we went to college, and they won't respond to my texts/messages/whatever when I ask if they want to hang out. So I'm all alone right now, wanting to talk to somebody, but there's nobody for me to talk to. FML
Lourdes- 27cm Obitsu
Clara- 27cm Obitsu
Emma- Liv
Antigone (Tigs)- Hujoo Berry
Nissh- Pukipuki Pukisha
Rhode "Pyxy" Maxwell- BBB Rachel on RS Xue body
Roshana Sa'adat- Desert Jewelz Bratz