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Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

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Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby AmberRose » Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:01 pm

Ok so lets see those baby bjd's.

Here is a chance to post your dz christmas babies many of you may have from your previous dz orders from where ever they came from new or secondhand.

Did you get them with dz face-up, do it yourself, or have it done??
Does he or she have a crib or room of their own?
Did you mod them to open their eyes even just a lil?

what did your other dolls think of the new ever so tiny addition to your dolly family?

I find them appealing even with the limitted jointing, but i am expecting a lil bundle of joy of my own in July, so it just seemed fitting to me i have been looking at a few different tinies myself as of late
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby AmberRose » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:54 pm

I recently saw these for sale at a usa shop if anyone was hoping for one on their wish lists all 4 types were there.
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby Valli » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:20 pm

Which shop? I missed out on them.
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby Greyhaunt » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:50 pm

At a guess I'd say Denver Doll Emporium - it's the sort of thing I can see them doing :)
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby AmberRose » Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:27 pm

(cough cough) yeah its in denver
$99 i believe
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby DollyKim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:14 am

Hopefully it means Emory will be getting some but it also doesn't seem right. Did that many people qualify for babies and for one reason or another won't be getting them or do they have access to a stash hidden away somewhere. And having pink Leo and Luna, were they only in white or am I mistaken there?

I ordered Lucifer from DD on lay away and he arrived okay but since then it's only been in stock Puki parts.

*DDE's ~wonderful~ customer service has turned me away. Yes, we can order anything on a site (not a brand Emory carries) but we won't order it unless we want it in our stores, can't order single items or anything you want.
Last edited by DollyKim on Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby AmberRose » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:50 am

stores are going to have extras it based on $$ amounts of their orders dollzone will send 1 baby of their choice for every $300 of the order submitted, not everyone ordering during an event is going to spend $300 to get the dolls if they only want a bb, or a msd and the event item does not interest them or people just ordering jointed hands/parts, but those peoples money would add up to kick out additional dolls for the store, so say you ordered a bb and so did i we would not get the event doll only spending like 190 each but dollzone would send the retailer a doll as it would be almost 400$
in total so say they put in a $6000 order between peoples orders and the dolls they order for the site neting them a total of 20 babies and out of those 20 babies lets say 8 people spent $300+ that leaves the store with approx 12 babies to post on their site and sell for whatever price they deam they can get for them.

as for leo and luna those were last years dolls that required a $500 purchase to obtain meaning alot of retailers had a sizeable amount to sell afterwards as not everyone is going to buy a 60-70cm doll with extras to qualify for one or $500 in items etc. leo and luna came in white, pinky normal, yellow normal if i remember correctly.
my daughters leo is in pinky normal and her luna is in white skin i am not surprized they still had stock on leo and luna even emory still had some in december of 09 and was popping them up on ebay like mad.

hope it helps but thats how places get they extras and don't forget sometimes retailers also receive promos prior to events and may end up selling those 2 later on.
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby DollyKim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:53 pm

I know about promos and stuff, on the marketing side, I just only remember seeing white Lunas and Leos so that's a bit of a relief.

It's just interesting you get a face-up option and they say limited but seem to treat it like a normal item.

*Here's the DZ site with the pictures of which doll is which http://www.doll-zone.com/pro_detail.asp?id=123 the more I look the less interested am, especially because not all of them are jointed. If I was going to spend that on a tiny I'd be a bit more inclined for a Puki, since Brownies aren't available at the moment. I like the smushed up little Dollzone face but I feel I've been spoiled by other tinies.
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Re: Ok let's see those Dollzone Christmas babies!

Postby AmberRose » Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:36 pm

ok well my dz baby came in today i will post him once i get around to his faceup i have the normal yellow lil boy he is really cute and so fitting being my 4th child is also going to be a boy this July ^^. hehe
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