by OkamiKodomo » Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:28 pm
Those of you that frequent buffets... can I ask you a favor? Don't mix up the tongs or other serving utensils on the trays. I went to a new Chinese buffet tonight, and apparently, someone used one of the tongs from the crab sushi to scoop the edamame beans, and I had a reaction. Anaphylaxis is not very fun. I REALLY LIKE BREATHING KTHNX.
I'm severely allergic to crab. Even the artificial stuff usually has crab oil in it, (it's meant to cut cost, not prevent reactions, for those of you going 'but fake crab is supposed to be safe for people with shellfish allergies!' pro-tip: it's not) and if I eat something that was touched by something that touched crab, then I will react. Mildly, but react none the less. God forbid I eat real crab. I'd probably be dead within an hour. >_> If I even touch something that touched crab, I'll break out in hives. When I worked in a Japanese restaurant, I had to keep a tube of benadryl cream in my locker, just in case someone didn't wash their hands after making sushi, and picked up a knife.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!