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Family and Dollie prices

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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby Evelien » Tue May 15, 2012 4:29 pm

Off-topic, but I know that most parents-in-law aren't all that great... I have been VERY lucky with mine. My boyfriend's mother is a teacher like me so we can talk about our jobs which helps us connect (plus she's mad in a good way lol), and my boyfriend's father is just... well... we just connected 200% right from the start. :D
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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby quidam » Tue May 15, 2012 4:34 pm

My mother is vaguely aware and fine with it. She knows that it's my money, plus I think she's quite happy that after 30 or so years of phobia and hatred I finally like dolls. Her being an artist also helps a bit!

My stepfather knows I have them and thinks they are cute, but I'd never tell him how much they cost. He's weird about money. He tends to think that things with monetary value should be sold. If he found out my dolls were worth more than a few bucks he's be bringing up resale value and second hand markets in every conversation.

My brother probably knows. He knew looking at the first one that they weren't store bought, and I'd be surprised if he didn't go home and look them up. I wouldn't care if he knew. He likes having things of value, so he'd be cool with it.

For my real dad, he doesn't live around here so he's never seen them and he never asks about them. He knows I have dolls and I leave it at that.
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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby richila » Wed May 16, 2012 8:24 am

My husband and son accept that dolls are my hobby and i spent less on dolls last year and this year so far-than they spend on video games. It's all good. :D
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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby Opalwhisker » Wed May 16, 2012 5:52 pm

I'm lucky in that my mom collects / buys and resells old antique dolls and accessories. so she understands totally C:

i've told a few friends about my first purchase, my pipos charlotte, who was $330, and they really didn't understand why I was spending so much on a doll. i tried explaining it through other examples like cheerleading or the kinds of collections they might have and i think they understood it a bit more, but were still a little wierded out that i'd spend so much on one item -shrugs- it's up to them, i don't see what the big deal is though.
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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby bombaykitty » Wed May 16, 2012 9:04 pm

I'm so envious of some of you with parents also in the dollieh/arts/sewing business and can enjoy the hobby together O: But it's reassuring that I'm not the only one to hide prices from family, lol.
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Re: Family and Dollie prices

Postby Siead » Thu May 17, 2012 7:13 am

my parents dont know the cost of dolls, and frankly as long as we pay them rent on time, anything else with our finances is none of their business. (er, farm house on their property we rent till the mortgage on it is paid off)
really, their mindset is if i'm old enough to be married, working and potentially be a parent (ha, no), then my money is none of their concern. an arrangement i'm more than happy to agree to.
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