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Monster Mash

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Monster Mash

Postby knittnkitten » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:06 am

oh I love knitting and little repetitive stuff, but I've never been able to get a rhythm when rooting.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby delbelcoure » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:20 am

I actually just started rerooting.
Here's some of the sources I used:
DollsAhoy has a series of photos showing her reroot method. It starts here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dollsahoy/ ... otostream/
She references this method

Elizabeth Plaid has a nice overview of the knot method, with source links

I used a version of this knotted style:
http://reflectionsbyice.deviantart.com/ ... -119799802
I've got some in process pictures here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/delbelcour ... 987468376/
A few other methods:
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby skookum hime » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:35 am

delbelcoure, you always have the best links and info!
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby magkelly » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:00 pm

Target has the V/G and C/W CAM kits NOW. I posted separately so you all would see it and make haste. But just in case, head's UP, because I am sure they won't be there tonight!!! I am so happy. I really wanted these and I not only got kits for myself I got them for the nieces too. Very happy day around here! :)
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:05 pm

Oh maaaan my check won't clear in time! I just deposited it; won't clear til tomorrow afternoon. T_T If anyone sees them, can you please please please pick them up for me? I'll reimburse you!
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby magkelly » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:21 pm

I just did one more. FYI, Operetta is $19.99 (Finally!) on Amazon, no shipping if you spend $25, which I did because I had to order something else anyhow. I'm taking chances on her hair going this route but I have yet to see her on any shelf in any store here anyway. I wasn't about to pay $30-40 for her though. I was waiting for her to be what she should be. So now I have Cleo, Vamp and Gargoyle boys, Cat Girl and Witch and Operetta. I put all those CAM kids together and made sure they all have wigs but I do want to redress them a bit before I take pics. You know I can finally see how collecting these could get addictive. I'm so pleased with my CAM kids it's not even funny. They're all too, too cute! I think I might put Cleo back on her MH body later too. She's looking a bit like odd girl out now.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby skookum hime » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:53 pm

I was just at target....no monsters there.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:57 pm

I get a fair share from Amazon, just put it on your wish list the moment it pops up and keep checking back until the price drops. It only took about a month for Rochelle to drop in half. Many of the new and used sellers will do Super Shipping on their stuff too, the only downer is you can't get a shipping discount if you buy multiple items from the same seller but it evens out.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Cat ^..^ » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:25 pm

ShadowKat and delbelcoure : thank you so much for the re-rooting links and the information.

My next question is: I see that the Monster's head has to be off so you can work on it. But, Monsters have this funky mechanism inside their heads.. that I suppose helps keep their heads on... how do you get the head on/off without breaking or damaging the inside parts ?

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Re: Monster Mash

Postby magkelly » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:33 am

Quick moody pic of my MH kids, Cleo, Victor, Mia, Drake, and Jadis.


I do want to put these guy under the studio lights later, but right now my new PVC light panel is taking up too much room drying. Kind of dark in here just now but this is about the best I can do in the wee hours with only a side lamp for lighting. This is where my MH dolls go though, beside the bed on a storage crate. They don't have their own shelf yet. I guess I'll have to remedy that now that Cleo has friends, smile.

In my little MH world

Cleo is herself, Cleo De Nile, Princess of Egypt and Daughter of the Mummy... (The shirt says it all IMHO...)

Victor Varka (who is not directly related to the Goyle family) is named after his godfather Baron Victor von Frankenstein. He was born on the roof of Castle Frankenstein in Austria to a family of gargoyles that have guarded Frankenstein Castle for hundreds of years. He's actually several hundred years old but his Godfather sent him to watch over Frankie while she attends MH. He's got more than a bit of a crush on her but he never says anything because he takes his task of watching Frankie very seriously and thinks it would be totally unprofessional for him to let her know....

Mia Meow is a werecat. A newbie at MH, not related to any of the werecats in Tori's gang. Very shy, very quiet, she's chosen to go her own way rather than join up with Tori and her crew which has made her very unpopular with the werecats. She and Ghoulia have struck up a friendship of sorts but so far she's mostly kept to herself and not much is known about her other than she's not the most communicative cat around....

Drake Bathory is a distant cousin of Draculaura's recently come from Transylvania to attend MH. (Did you know that the real Count Dracula and Erzebet Bathory the Blood Countess were actually related? Figured it would make sense for Drake and Dracuaura to be too.) He's a bit of a wiseguy, a dry witted, rocking vamp who loves music and who thinks Operetta is the sweetest thing ever to wail a tune. He's actively pursuing her at the moment much to her amusement. She likes him but she's not quite sure she's ready to be his girl. She's probably right to keep him at length though because Drake is also lethally attracted to a certain bad tempered witch....

Jadis Absinthe, is the great grand daughter of that infamous Wicked Witch, the real one, not the one in a certain musical. She is Wicked through and through and there isn't a ghoul in all of MH that would mess with her. Not a member of the popular set she scorns the rest of the kids at MH. She's there strictly under protest as a condition of her probation. Glinda had her kicked out of Oz for turning the Tin Man into a marble garden ornament when he threatened to turn her into the authorities for illegally growing nightshade and belladonna in her herb garden. Her black cat Mystery is her only real friend but no one at MH is quite sure if Mystery is a cat or something else entirely....

Note: The green wig on Jadis is the Liv Sophie wig I dyed lime and green with Sharpies et all. I'm thinking I may root her in black and green eventually but for now I think it looks pretty good. Mia's ears are actually in her skull through her wig. I had the worst time with those and I finally decided just to punch holes in and put them in there.
Last edited by magkelly on Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:17 am, edited 4 times in total.
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