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Questions about BJDs

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Questions about BJDs

Postby ShadowKat » Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:07 pm

Hey everyone! As someone who doesn't actually have any resin BJDs, I was hoping to get some questions about them answered. What's the difference between resin strung dolls and other dolls, like Obitsu's, Barbies, and the like? I'm talking about the feel of them, and the way they move. Are they much heavier? Those kinds of weird questions. I've seen lots of lovely resin dolls here, so it got me wondering. How much different are resins? Is there a major difference, so that it's really weird to make the jump from Obitsus and Barbies to resin? Or are they quite similar?
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby Trethowan » Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:05 pm

If you look through the information on the Parabox/Obitsu website it shows you all sorts of cool information about vinyl dolls, how their skeletons work, etc. Just google "obitsu parabox" and you'll see the site. There is SO much to say. I gathered most of this info over time and through experience with different dolls. I have resin and vinyl, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/6th and they're all so very different. Each doll is different really.

Construction & Weight:
Vinyl: Lightweight vinyl plastics with internal skeletons.
Resin: Heavy. resin is cast in a mold and cured. It's hollow inside. Dolls are strung together with elastic bands.
ABS: plastic similar to vinyl but hollow and strung inside.
Barbie: Not a BJD. Considered a fashion doll. They don't have the mobility or structure of bjds. Generally they have hinge joints that only move forward/backward while the obitsu is on a ball joint and can swing outward and move with a greater range. A strung ball joint can swivel anywhere it wants.

Movement & Posing:
Vinyl. A vinyl is hands down going to be your best poser. They're lightweight, the joints are designed to be stiff so they hold positions down to the millimeter to where you want them to go. There are differences within the individual sizes. Small example: 55cm is single-jointed. 50cm is double-jointed. (it sorta doubles the range of motion.)

Resin. This is SO different. It depends on the brand, jointing, construction, weight of each resin piece, tension of the elastic, etc. More factors involved for sure.

1:4 double-jointed resin. They're going to pose very well. They're heavier than a vinyl of course, but they're still small and the weight ratio against the strength of the elastic is such that they pose very well. Especially if they're modded, like having suede or such put into the joints. Or wire in the joints. But again it all depends on the company and how they designed their joints. I think the Resinsoul joints are poorly designed and the arms flip shut. Dollzone seem to do much better. I don't own one but I know ppl who do.

1:3 double-jointed resin. Um, could write a book on this. They're all so different. Bobobie joints sorta suck as-is but if you suede and re-string you can get really good movement and posing out of them. I think in general Resinsoul joints are a little weak and don't lock into position well. I think that Doll Leaves and Granado have really really good joints and they pose incredibly well. Of all my dolls the Granado poses the best. Doll Leaves second-best. Dragondoll are too heavy for the elastic that fits into them. Weight ratios are off and they flop forward at the hips. They still pose well and though Ivan weighs 7 pounds he still does what I want him to. Most of the time. Dollzone poses really well. Dollmore sucks more than I thought it would but maybe it just needs a re-string.


I think that resin is a little more versatile than vinyl. Mostly cause of the variety. There are more resin brands out there and generally they have more detail and there are more head sculpt options. Plus it's easier to switch heads. You just need the neck diameter and skin tone to match up. You can stick a resin head on a vinyl doll with a little mod-work though. I've never done it.

If your doll is always going to be in clothes then who cares what the sculpt looks like?
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby Trethowan » Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:45 pm

I think I rambled too much. Probably made no sense. hahahaha... someone, come be more articulate than me. :-p
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby kiki-chan78 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:32 pm

Actually, for Vinyl, the larger Obitsus will pose rings around their equivalent Volks Dollfie Dream model (of most size and type). But you really can't beat the aesthetics of a Volks Vinyl girl. They are really cute!

Biggest differences between resins and vinyls... Weight, 40-60cm obitsus weigh around 2lbs. Most resin 1:4 scale dolls weigh about 2lbs as well. I've got 60cm resins that weigh as little as 3lbs, and as much as 4lbs. Not sure how much my 70cms weigh, but they sure are chunkers.

Resinsoul dolls have a lot more thought towards aesthetics, and not much towards mobility. That's why they've got the problems where they do. Seriously, if they'd simply adjust the placement of the elastic slot on the 1:4 dolls thigh/hip, the poor things wouldn't look like they're doing the pee-pee dance all the time. Given the option, go for a Bobobie body over a Resinsoul one, less aesthetics, and more mobility, just slap new elastic in there and they're golden.

Shadowcat, if possible, try to find a doll group in your area. If you're looking to spend the money on a new doll, it's usually best to handle one before making that kind of financial commitment.

Bobobie, Resinsoul, and Fantasy Doll are all great started dolls. Though, of those three, I like the bodies of Fantasy Doll (but that's just personal preference).

Ultimately, the biggest differences are:

-Resin will tend to be heavier than Vinyl.
-Most Vinyl dolls have an internal support structure instead of elastic like a Resin.
-Because of the elastic ('strings'), a resin may be 'kicky' because most 'joints' of the doll are interconnected. Move an arm, and the tension in the other arm may react accordingly. This is normal.
-Due to it's chemical nature, Resin is still technically 'curing' and regardless of what you do, will pick up a more yellowish hue over time. Light, UV rays, and heat will quicken this process.
-Vinyl won't yellow, but will stain if you even look at it funny.


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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby Trethowan » Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:45 pm

Ivan weighs 6 pounds I think. That's a lot of resin. I'm told that Iplehouse Seniors weigh 7 pounds.
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby Yanagi-sen » Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:01 am

ALL of them... vinyl or resin... the weight increases exponentially the LONGER you carry them around. Momiji's two pounds felt like 20 after a couple hours at Versailles!!!!
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby DollyKim » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:26 am

The two 70s on the far left stay home a lot, the one in the beige pants is an Obitsu 60 and weighs about the same as the 45 elbow rests next to him. Ball joint size wise I've been the most comfortable with 1/4 scale but most of my dolls are unstrung 1/6 which I call Littles to separate them from 1/6 strung dolls.
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby famedglory » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:06 am

Just about everything I have to say has already been said, but I would like to emphasize that the Dolfie Dreams do not pose anything like other vinyl dolls. In fact, all of my resin dolls, including the one that is not properly strung and is the middle of some major modifications can pose rings around my DD. But she sure is cute. If you can, try to meet up with someone who has dolls in person so that you can get a feel for what they're like before you order something.
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby ShadowKat » Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:44 pm

Thanks for all the replies everyone! This answered most of my questions. I won't be making the jump from vinyl to resin anytime soon, but I think I may someday in the future. I don't think I'll ever go into bigger dolls, I like 1/6 too much. I'm really comfy with their size, though I may get some tinies (Those Pukis are super cute!). Now I just need several Obitsu bodies to start putting together some dollies I have, and so I can get to work on new outfits for new characters. I actually have 2 complete dollies, they're just on Barbie Fashionista's right now. One looks kinda silly, because her head is too small (needs a 23cm body), and the other the skin tone doesn't match at all.
On the other hand, even if I wanted to check out dolls in person, I have no one in my area to meet with. I live in a place where the only thing that is acceptable to like is football. But thanks so much for all the suggestions! I'm one of those people who likes to know about things, even if I will never need the information. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity!
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Re: Questions about BJDs

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:11 pm

If you ever want to go bigger then Obitsu might be the way to go as the bigger dolls are similar to the 1/6 ones. They come in several sizes in between 1/4 and 1/3 so you can gradually get bigger. They also make an 11cm when you want to go smaller.
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