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Toned Up my Mui-chans Face

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Toned Up my Mui-chans Face

Postby twiddle66 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:23 pm

I am so excited. I got a can of Mr. Super Clear (finally!) and was able to face up my Mui-chan. I didn't really change her--I fell in love with her beacuse of her innocent childlike face and didn't want any mascara on her, but ever since I got her I wished her lips were a bit warmer and her cheeks were a bit pinker anbd that she had a bit of over all blush to make her look like a rosy little 5 year old.

I was afraid that I wouldn't like it after I did it so I put it off for two years!! LOL

Now that it is done I really love it!

BUT, now I am shy about showing her to anyone because I really like the blush pretty pinky and I am sure soemone will say it's too much, but it's just the way I like it!

So I guess I'll just enjoy her " in the closet" for now and maybe eventually (2 years from now ) I will get up the guts to let someone tell me they think I over did it and show the world! HA HA!


Anyway, I am new around thes eparts and have had a whole heck of alot of fun reading your posts!

Twiddle :P
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Re: Toned Up my Mui-chans Face

Postby famedglory » Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:05 pm

These dolls are meant to be exactly the way the owner wants them to be, so if you like the blushing "overdone" as you put it then it's perfect. And I highly doubt any of us would think it's "overdone". Personally I'd love to see a picture of your little sweetheart. She sounds adorable :D
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