EAB wrote:This is the second time I've had trouble with Hotmail. Last time someone hijacked it and sent spam to all my contacts, but I fixed that.
Why do people pick on Hotmail? Is it because it's Microsoft? Like, taking on the industry giant, or something?
Here is a very simple tip.
When you are creating passwords, if the password creator will actually LET you (some only allow letters and numbers) use the symbol keys as well. Like $tupidh0tmai1&/& Something you can remember with numbers substituted for letters the way them damn kidz do in their damn txting
plus the symbol keys. By adding symbol keys you make it almost impossible to guess, and you drastically increase the difficulty of using a cracking program to crack it (we're talking about professional level cracking here, not script kiddies). When faced with a password using symbol keys, even the FBI would try to get it out of you some other way.
This can't stop people from actually hacking Hotmail to hijack accounts, but it can stop them from cracking your password to do so.