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I Am Now The Proud Owner Of My First BJD!!!!!

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Re: I Am Now The Proud Owner Of My First BJD!!!!!

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:58 pm

Well here are two things you can do. You can ask people for "gift" CC for presents, explaining that there is something your heart is set on, and once you have enough, you can get your bargain on ebay. Then you can process the CC payment through paypal with no hassle.

Or you can go look at resin BJDs at junkyspot. Bobobie MSDs (the size Delilah is) are under $150. While the shopping cart only processes through PayPal you can email emory ( sales@junkyspot.com or emory@junkyspot.com ) and ask him if he can take an alternative form of payment, such as a money order or cashier's check. He's usually very accommodating and you might be able to work out something with him.
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Re: I Am Now The Proud Owner Of My First BJD!!!!!

Postby Evelien » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:09 am

Kirahfaye wrote:Yes, it seems that when we are on the verge of finally obtaining something "grail" Murphy's Law walks through the door. I was about $50 from purchasing a Soul Doll Asen (which I still love) when our TV decided to die. One guess where the money came from to replace it......

Don't get too discouraged, though! You'll get that bjd!

Ohhhh you'll be getting an Asen too? Awesome! That beautiful sculpt deserves more love <3. I'll be crossing my fingers for you :D
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