I can NOT believe what I just did. I'm such a fool -_-
I'm looking for another tiny Planetdoll girl, so I'm browsing eBay, when I find a cute little one. I'm not looking to buy her at all because I want either WS or Tan and she's NS, but I click "Watch this item" and login to add her to my watch list... then on the next screen I click another button without really looking what it says and next thing I know is the "Congratulations you bought this item" message!! What?? I'm sweating like mad. I don't get it. How could I make that mistake..?? I'm an experienced eBay member and as far as I know they ask at least one extra time if you really want to continue buying something. I can't believe I missed what I clicked exactly. D'oh!!!
I contacted the seller, I hope they'll be friendly because eBay themselves can't help in these cases. If I have to buy her I will, but I'd rather not