victoriavictrix wrote:knittnkitten wrote:see, wasp invasion isn't that trivial, but more of "OH GAWD WASPS EVERYWHERE"
I was not amused. Killed one this morning, so far no more today. Crossing fingers that there are no more. I hate wasps and I am mildly allergic to their sting. Creepiest is when they LAND on you....WHICH HAPPENED FOUR TIMES!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Speaking of WASPS EVERYWHERE.....
One time when I was 2 years old, my older brother and I were sitting on the back deck playing while my mother was doing yard work.
I had pulled off my socks and shoes, and somehow I ended up catching a wasp in one of my shoes and trapping it there with my sock.
When my mom looked up from what she was doing to check on us, she got angry that I had my shoes off, and stormed over in a rage to put them back on me. My brother tried to tell her that there was a wasp in my shoe but she didn't listen...
And I got stung in the foot.
[This is a story my older brother loves to tell, but I only vaguely remember the part where he was trying to tell her about the wasp while she was putting my shoe on. From the way my brother tells it, I screamed bloody murder after taking a wasp to the foot.]
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@