by victoriavictrix » Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:32 pm
Kira I used to be NO kind of fan of unions.
Then I went to work for American Airlines, in the computer programming section, where since we were officially "management" we had no union protection.
Result: Managers would routinely slash project completion estimates by 1/3, then make us work unpaid overtime to get the project in on time. Managers were perfectly allowed to discriminate against employees that didn't attend their church. Managers could assign as much unpaid overtime as they chose, and could order you, on project implementation, to remain on site for as much as 48 hours. Sleep? Sleep is for the weak, and if you wanted to keep your job you had better figure out how to remain awake for two days straight.
And that was in the 1980s to early 90s when I quit. Things have gotten much worse since, and not just at AA, but everywhere. People get fired for taking sick days. People get fired for not doing the job of 3 after layoffs. People get fired because the company can hire someone new in. People are fired for getting hurt on the job. And it's only getting worse. We are rapidly returning to the days of Dickens, workhouses, and people getting fired because there is someone who'll work for 25 cents an hour less. That was why unions were formed in the first place. Look at history.
All you damn kids get offa my lawn!