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Monster Mash

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Monster Mash

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:02 pm

And my mother deems people like that as idiots. She loves my MH girls (even got me Electra (my BW Frankie) as a gift.) And thinks people like that really need to get lives.
You can see why I think the way I do about it. Their DOLLS.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby catshem » Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:36 am

I know when i first looked at MH I saw the shoes and thought to myself "does ANYONE wear sneakers? flats? anyone at all (besides the dudes)?" But, lots of fashion dolls wear high heels unless their feet are molded flat, so I just let it go :P I grew up with Barbie and I don't feel like I have to be wearing heels ALL THE TIME. Even as slippers.lol I understand the debate on impressionable kids, but I really think it all varies with the kid and what they've already learned.

Thought about the MH girls feet being flat. Realized their feet would probably be quite big. lol
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Siead » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:34 am

i think MH dolls aren't the same as alot of fashion dolls in the "ick" factor. they are very cartoonish, even compared to other big-head dolls like brats. that's why i like them though, the toony factor is adorable.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby catshem » Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:06 pm

Siead wrote:i think MH dolls aren't the same as alot of fashion dolls in the "ick" factor. they are very cartoonish, even compared to other big-head dolls like brats. that's why i like them though, the toony factor is adorable.

I think a lot of people forget that sometimes things get highly stylized for marketing. Though, switching the topic, a thicker body type would be cool to see. So many people talk about how they want that... but has anyone email/petitioned companies like Mattel to suggest it?

Anyway my OC CAM girls (thread found here) are becoming more prominent then I planned. They aren't in the MH universe or my Obitsu doll universe. Slowly getting more attached.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby kenaiqueen » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:08 pm

Just for an old fogie's opinion, my only problem with the MH dolls is not the clothing or the makeup. I think they are adorable. I was more concerned about how thin the dolls are, which I've hand-waved away by reminding myself they aren't representing humans. I have concerns about girls having body issues if they fixate on ultra thin models and dolls. Not every child would/will, but some do. I was raised in the Barbie doll generation. Did I want a tiny waist and huge boobs...oh, yes! I was very small all over and got mercilessly teased in middle school when everyone else developed and I didn't. I would love to see more body types available in the play dolls. Look at the examples of the gorgeous athletic bodies we all saw throughout the Olympics for example. Every girl and, even every boy, needs to know their bodies are beautiful just the way they are. If we all looked the same, we'd be an old Twilight Zone episode. :D
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby catshem » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:14 pm

I am on the bandwagon of that thought.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Wardah » Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:54 pm

Companies have tried to market dolls with more realistic body shapes but they never seem to catch on. Of course it could be more because those types of dolls tend to be boring and lean towards more "natural beauty" styles. Kids especially tend to like dolls with heavy makeup and flashy outfits. Not because it is "sexy" or anything like that but because humans (except maybe goths XD) in general tend to gravitate towards colorful things.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:13 pm

Saw the tag and empty shelf for Scary Tales on my outing today.

On the design side humans emphasize the features they like when they make representations of human beings, it's just how we are. Greeks made perfectly realistic looking statues and people didn't like them, when they were made too perfect with longer shins etc people loved them. We like big eyes and "cute" faces, we generally like long legs and nice butts. The only absolute is symmetry=beauty/healthy genes.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby knittnkitten » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:51 pm

I think caractures are more appealing to kids. also the nefara doll has a different body type from the rest of the dolls fromw hat I hear.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby SugarCorpse » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:59 pm

found this while looking around, i don't know the owner of the pic but it nicely shows 3 body types :D

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