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Teh Suckz Thread

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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Sixoclock » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:24 am

Thanks all. I now and I understand the side effects and I will speak to her about he best way to back off these - that is, of course, unless there is some kind of postive change. I'm just sick of the pills. Most of the time it seems like they screw me up more than I benefit - which makes me feel like I am not explaning things correctly and perhaps getting misdiagnosed. Today, right now, I feel like I have an ecstas hang over. Yes, I have done drugs in the past, I do not do them anymore -- but that's the closes thing I can relate it to. Clenching jaw, skin sensitivity, yawn shivers, etc.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby DollyKim » Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:26 pm

Tell your doctor about all of your reactions. There's no point taking anything that hurts more than helps.

If it were me with side effects that bad I wouldn't even take another one, what you're describing doesn't sound good. Is there a doctor or someone you can call and ask them about what's going on?
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby KitKat » Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:55 pm

Sixoclock wrote:Thanks all. I now and I understand the side effects and I will speak to her about he best way to back off these - that is, of course, unless there is some kind of postive change. I'm just sick of the pills. Most of the time it seems like they screw me up more than I benefit - which makes me feel like I am not explaning things correctly and perhaps getting misdiagnosed. Today, right now, I feel like I have an ecstas hang over. Yes, I have done drugs in the past, I do not do them anymore -- but that's the closes thing I can relate it to. Clenching jaw, skin sensitivity, yawn shivers, etc.

Yeah...sounds like the wrong drugs to me. It sucks when you still haven't found the right drugs yet. I remember going through ten different anti-depressants before I found something that works. THEN the stuff that worked stopped working and it took me a year to figure that out. I'm loving my new drugs, but the hell you go through to find the right ones just sucks. DON'T just stop the drugs...I've seen people hospitalized becasue they just stopped their anti-depressants. You're right to talk to your doctor first. Hang in there. It's worth the hell when you find the right one.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby knittnkitten » Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:13 pm

actually, Ecstasy hangover connection makes sense. the anti depressant is a serotonin re uptake inhibitor, and ecstasy does basically the same thing, flooding the brain with serotonin, and then the next morning you lack the chemical in your brain, thus causing the hangover. if you're having the same hangover symptoms, you're either lacking the serotonin, or your brain isn't accepting it, so its possible with the anti depressant its having the opposite effect its supposed to. (aka a paradoxical effect) welbutrin works differently, so that's possible why that works better then the proxac types.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:57 pm

*facepalm* So, while we were visiting my mother's family this weekend, my little brother mentioned my dolls to my least-favorite aunt and I had sit there and awkwardly explain... Of course, as I was awkwardly explaining, I realized that I should have just said "Yes, I collect anime dolls and action figures" and then shut the hell up.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Dirili » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:10 pm

knittnkitten wrote:yeah, you might want to talk to them about going off of it. the last time I tried to take welbutrin, I became hypomanic and I didn't even realize it till I forgot to take it for a couple days and realized I wasn't sobbing all the time.

Welbutrin caused some terrible gastral problems for me that weren't subsiding after a week, so they tried me on Effexor which I've been on for quite a while now.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Sixoclock » Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:17 am

Yah, I have spoken with the DR, but she wants me to last the 4 weeks and I honestly will go cold turkey before that happens. I took the Celexa last night and despite being insanely tired, it kept me up all night. I am surprised I am functioning right now. Oddly, I am in a rather -somewhat- pleasant mood, despite being sleepy and kind of out of it. So glad it's a holiday weekend and hubs can help more with the baby.

I know all about SSRI's and chemical imbalances and what not, but I thank everyone for the extra imput. When I am more coherent, I will leave another message for the DR and see how I feel tomorrow. What a crappy way to spend a long weekend.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby IzabethS » Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:57 am

Sorry to hear about your med woes, I know how that goes...

I'm Bi-Polar, and I was first put on Celexa for depression (that was before they knew I had bi-polar, I was too young to be diagnosed with it). Sadly it didn't work at curbing my depression so they kept upping it until I became so manic I punched a brick will in high school flipping out because someone asked if I was okay. Around that time I was put in the psychward. It wasn't until the second time in my psychward that they figured out I'm bi-polar. That was 6 years ago. Then they started me on mood stablizers along with the celexa (which they lowered to 20mg from 60). Sadly I still tried to claw off my face so I was started on anti-psychotics on top of those. Eventually I was on 20mg celexa, 600mg seroquel, and 30mg abilify. I was numb, I couldn't feel. I got into one of the best art schools in the country on my first try and I thought nothing of it.

It took me until my 3rd psychiatrist to let me lower my meds. Sadly I started getting weird side effects so I was switched around on meds for a while. For 2 years I was doing horrible so now I'm back on all my originals at much much much lower doses (20mg celexa, 100mg seroqel, and 10mg abilify). In that time I was also diagnosed with ADHD, so I went through some med changes for that too because of my insurance company.

I say if the meds don't work for you, wean yourself off with doctors permission. My neurologist tried me on topamax, and I learned the hard way that there's a reason it's called dope-amax. I could not function, and I knew within three days it was bad, but the neurologist pressured to keep taking it until it got to the point that I was unresponsive to any situation and could not make decisions. It's also bad for people with bi-polar, and I told her I had that and she still gave it to me. Obviously I'm trying to get a new neurologist now...
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby catshem » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:29 am

When your Shark Steamer mop clogs (again) and there's no good way to fix it other than pour some CLR in it and hope it works this time. >:c
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Sixoclock » Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:01 pm

IzabethS - Thank you so much for sharing. :) If I sound odd right now, it's just because I am feeling a tad loopy now from lack of sleep last night. Other than that though... I gotta say I have been in a fairly good mood despite last night.. All day... So now I am curious if it's working? I am not going to take it tonight because of what happened - but I will try again tomorrow morning and see if that numbness is gone. It was barely there today, but that was hours upon hours after taking it so.... Can't say for sure.

My main thing is.. I am an artist. I paint. I draw.. etc and so forth. So the inability to think needs to pass and pass fairly quickly or my immediate response is to stop because art is my passion. I'm only on 20mg right now and 200mg of wellbutrin sr. Decisions. Decisions.

IzabethS wrote:Sorry to hear about your med woes, I know how that goes...

I'm Bi-Polar, and I was first put on Celexa for depression (that was before they knew I had bi-polar, I was too young to be diagnosed with it). Sadly it didn't work at curbing my depression so they kept upping it until I became so manic I punched a brick will in high school flipping out because someone asked if I was okay. Around that time I was put in the psychward. It wasn't until the second time in my psychward that they figured out I'm bi-polar. That was 6 years ago. Then they started me on mood stablizers along with the celexa (which they lowered to 20mg from 60). Sadly I still tried to claw off my face so I was started on anti-psychotics on top of those. Eventually I was on 20mg celexa, 600mg seroquel, and 30mg abilify. I was numb, I couldn't feel. I got into one of the best art schools in the country on my first try and I thought nothing of it.

It took me until my 3rd psychiatrist to let me lower my meds. Sadly I started getting weird side effects so I was switched around on meds for a while. For 2 years I was doing horrible so now I'm back on all my originals at much much much lower doses (20mg celexa, 100mg seroqel, and 10mg abilify). In that time I was also diagnosed with ADHD, so I went through some med changes for that too because of my insurance company.

I say if the meds don't work for you, wean yourself off with doctors permission. My neurologist tried me on topamax, and I learned the hard way that there's a reason it's called dope-amax. I could not function, and I knew within three days it was bad, but the neurologist pressured to keep taking it until it got to the point that I was unresponsive to any situation and could not make decisions. It's also bad for people with bi-polar, and I told her I had that and she still gave it to me. Obviously I'm trying to get a new neurologist now...
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