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Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

SD, Obitsu, freaky goaty footed SOOM, Hounds, all the big kids in the 50 to 72cm range

Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby AmberRose » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:37 pm

I really adore the vmf yamato 50cm especially the B type. ;)
I love the thicker, more muscular athletic body, I wish a retailer sold them in the USA.
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:00 pm

AmberRose wrote:I really adore the vmf yamato 50cm especially the B type. ;)
I love the thicker, more muscular athletic body, I wish a retailer sold them in the USA.

Unfortunately since those were commissioned specifically by Yamato Toys for their exclusive sales, so unless they decide to stock them in an english language version of their shop using a proxy buyer will continue to be the only option.
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby AmberRose » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:22 pm

Greyhaunt wrote:
AmberRose wrote:I really adore the vmf yamato 50cm especially the B type. ;)
I love the thicker, more muscular athletic body, I wish a retailer sold them in the USA.

Unfortunately since those were commissioned specifically by Yamato Toys for their exclusive sales, so unless they decide to stock them in an english language version of their shop using a proxy buyer will continue to be the only option.

I know, it saddens me ;(

the ddd says AaaammmmbbbeeerrrrrrrrRooooossseeee......I am a thick curvey vinyl dolly toooooo, bbbuuuyyyy mmeeeee from volksusa muhahahah.

and then i woke up from a cold sweat Oo; Saying who what when where /ack

can't afford either atm anyways so I will just look at them online ;)
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby K2! » Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:44 pm

AmberRose wrote:can't afford either atm anyways so I will just look at them online ;)

Then you probably don't want to know about their latest offering.

Or that the Type D (Risa) body is currently on sale for 28000yen.
http://www.yamato-toys.com/ec/items/det ... ink=detail
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby AmberRose » Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:04 pm

Then you probably don't want to know about their latest offering.

/Clicks link ....ummm is that doll tan?
!@$%&*#@!#$%^$ .... yeah thats cool and all but i don't need an awesome tan 50cm girl.

right my lil tinies... I love my tinies.... yup love them ...... I don't Need AN AWESOME TAN 50CM doll......

/looks at doll again. ... /blah stupid awesome doll of awesomeness, that i can't afford.....


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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby haruka-sama » Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:29 pm

no must not look at tan doll directly in the eyes ><
That's how they mesmerize you and then you'll start hearing things like "buy me please", "i'd like to come home now" or maybe even "where are you hiding the ramen?"....wait forget the last one
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby kiki-chan78 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:33 pm

As others have said, pretty much, it falls down to what you want the doll to do. If all you want is for it to sit pretty on the shelf, and be nice enough to snuggle every so often? Then I'd recommend the Volks. If you want your doll to be a champion poser and actually be able to HOLD stuff up? Go for the Obitsu.

Vinyl stains like a MOFO. Both companies offer external replacement parts. I'd also recommend Remove-zit from Twin Pines of Maine as a chemical cleaner for any serious stains, since it was formulated specifically for vinyl dolls.

Obitsu offers internal replacement parts, Volks doesn't. That's another thing to think about.


If you really did like Misuzu, you should be happy to know that the head used for her is the default head that comes WITH the 50cm body. Now, if you are absolutely dying for that exact head on a larger body, obitsu sells one made by the same sculptor which was intended for the 60cms. Granted, that for the larger one, it'd have to have the eye-holes cut out, but other than that, there is very few visual differences between them.

About 50cm flexibility? Can't get much better than a 50cm. Half the poses that I get my 50cm into, would break my other two obitsu boys into several pieces. ^.~


Since no one has really addressed this as of yet. The main differences between the obitsu balljointed dolls and the friction jointed dolls... Balljointed models are more slender and dainty. Their joints only give about a 90 degree range of motion. They are also more aesthetically pleasing to look at. While the friction jointed models are a little 'chunkier. The joints give a greater range of motion and aren't quite as pretty.

Among the 60cm obitsus, the one that has the best range of flexibility is the two part friction joint body. She might not be the prettiest thing, but she is the one that comes closest to the 50cms range of motion.


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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby cirquemom » Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:18 am

Yes, it's a real trade off- beauty for flexibility. I actually didn't mind the ball-joint flexibility until Zirconmermaid's Alerich came to visit and i actually got to try the hinge-joints first hand. They really are superior. And uglier. "Some people I know" simply keep sets of both arms on hand, so if the joint doesn't show, they use the hinge joints. For outfits with the joints showing, they switch them out for the ball-joints. It's very easy to do.
For my Niki (Elfdoll Red Frankendolly), I chose the heavier hinge-joint three-part body. He'll just never wear anything less than 3/4 length sleeves to cover that ugly elbow. For nuder shots I'll pop him back onto the (very lovely) elfdoll resin body.
The 50 cm body is simply delicious. I love that tan one....*drools* and the heftier Yamato body.
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http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Doll-Wendy-R ... 300188200/Image
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby Greyhaunt » Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:20 am

greyhaunt does NOT need another damn yamato doll.

she DOESN'T!

until that tan one is available for general sale that is LOL
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Re: Plz answer some newbie ?s about 60/50cm Obitsus & DDs ")

Postby Misheru » Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:29 pm

I am loving all of the replies and thank you all SOOO much!

I will know by the 12th whether or not I got anything in the DD lottery (like I said I am not holding my breath) so I am figuring to start looking at obitsus.

I did NOT know that the default 50cm head was the same one from Misuzu! :o :D It looks so different! Her fashion was what drew me in. I am a feline fanatic. I want teh kittiehs!

And I LOVE the Yamato Risa. LOVE her. Her face reminds me of Hubby's favorites little dollieh - the Volks WTG Kana? I cannot remember her real name because she has always been CBD May to him.

I am also intrigued at the idea of the 'beauty' of the 60cm BJD joints. I have yet to see them in person and perhaps I have am automatic dislike of the actual 'ball' due to the seeming visual similarity to the fashion BJDs like Devas and Sybarites (which I hate the way their joints looks, esp the hips). From photos alone, I like the way the other 60cm body looks. Yeah, I am weird. LOL. But Hubby is the one that drew my attention to it.

But that is another reason I love the 50cm body, the hip joint 'ball' is covered and doesn't show. But I hate for my doll to be such a dissimilar size to Hubby's.

I also wish that Parabox did heads that already had faceups and not just in the body sets. *sigh* I wish, I wish, I wish. :roll:

I know about the Twin Pines remover, great stuff. As many vinyl dolliehs (Tonner, Barbie, little Volks/obitsus) I have...I know all about staining. Ugh. Do you guys use bodystockings? I know Volks is always out of stock, but other folks make them, don't they?

It seems that I may be looks at a 60cm obitsu with a big bust at this point if Miu falls through. Crud, with the price of her...I may could get a 50cm and a 60cm! Hee hee. I will just have to figure out heads and bits. I like the idea of being able to replace the pieces because we do "play" with the dolliehs in our house. They are not display figures.

Another question - (yeah I am full of it...snerk :lol: ), if you have the old style Gretel head withOUT eye pocket, can you get a larger eye size in it and if so, how much larger? If I don't have a DD, I definitely want an anime style head to swap out occasionally.

Thanks so much,
=^,...,^= MISHERU >^.^<
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