by Dirili » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:23 pm
Ok, the last straw that kicked off this pity party for me, was accidentally kicking the dog's food dish and breaking my toenail half way off. I sat on the ground cursing for like 20 minutes because it hurt like hell and was bleeding like crazy. I'm not pain tolerant enough to rip it the rest of the way off either, so it's going to stay like that till it grows out waaay more and it's freaking me out.
Whenever the last time I complained on here about being depressed was, I've continued to be depressed since then.
I don't actually have any pressing business obligations, but I have a landslide of projects that I'm sitting on that will keep me busy for months and that kind of adds to the frustration of not being able to be more productive, because I know a lot of that is due to my incompetence. Like the fact that I don't know how to use a sewing machine which would speed up clothes making. Getting better with an airbrush, learning photography and more about certain software problems would probably help me as well, but those seem like such a bore.
I was trying to learn how to do electrostatic flocking which would create far more realistic hair than regular flocking, but the unit I bought isn't working so well. I either need a stronger one, or I have to treat the fibers with a special neutralizing agent...or possibly buy pre-treated fibers. So unless I can get that figured out, that's $110 down the drain.
I really need more money to progress with my experimentation, but I hesitate to touch my savings because i already took quite a bought my first Iplehouse dolls. And I feel judged by my family whenever I dip into it too.
My goal in life has basically boiled down to leaving behind a significant body art of work and then die. But I'm failing miserably at building my portfolio. So many factors for that, the fact that I can't stick to one medium, I get easily distracted between projects, I work hard, but don't study hard enough.
My work as a whole is a nonsensical collage of fractured images. I suppose that echoes my life as well. One big ugly mess. I need to get some new real medium pieces done so I can have something tho show in that area on instead of all the old stuff.
People don't understand the work that goes into 3D meshing or blushing/faceup/sewing for bjds so unless I make them really outrageous they don't even count.