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Finding a sealer

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Finding a sealer

Postby kenaiqueen » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:15 pm

I was thinking about trying to do my own faceup on my new Freya dolls, but I can't get any MSC. I live in a small town in Alaska, about 150 miles from Anchorage. Since MSC is aerosol, it can't be mailed to me because everything from outstate is airmail. Even UPS doesn't do ground here til it hits the airport in Anchorage. (Even if I could afford the ridiculous UPS/FedEx Alaska prices!) I'll be going to Anchorage in about a month, but it's unlikely I will find any MSC there. I see that Testor's is listed in the rec list, but is that likely to be available in a hobby shop up here? What exactly am I looking for? Testors is brand name, right? Is it called Testor's sealant?

Any info, thoughts, suggestions would be appreciated!
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby DollyKim » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:57 pm

If it's Testors, which is a brand name of model paint, you want Dullcote flat clear lacquer. It does have a slight tooth.

My resins are going on 6 years with their Testors and are doing fine.
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby K2! » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:07 pm

kenaiqueen wrote:Since MSC is aerosol, it can't be mailed to me because everything from outstate is airmail.

So I suppose large quantities of aerosols (deodorants, spray paints, aerosol cleaners, etc.) come by boat?

I'd get searching (Google) for hobby shops in Anchorage to see who's got what and where they are and what they can get for you (and possibly if there are any shops to begin with!).
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby yarwel » Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:28 pm

Which direction from anchorage? I understand that hobby lobby in Canada carries MSC, but I'm not sure. Good luck! and don't forget to get yourself a respirator.
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby kenaiqueen » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:27 pm

Thanks all! I'm going to have my sister who is a fine artist check her resources in Anchorage to see what they have. She deals with a large paint/crafts store there and she goes often enough that she can check for me next time she's there. If they don't have it, I'll start phone calls. (Can't always get info on the web for the smaller stores up here.)

I am pretty sure that most aerosols are barged into the Port of Anchorage, but some of the suppliers might have a deal with the private carriers to fly some things in.

I live on the Kenai Peninsula which is about 150 miles south of Anchorage and no where near Canada so that's not an option sadly.
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby Dirili » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:49 pm

I'm hearing good things about Purity Seal also and I just got a can of it and will be trying it soon. MSC rubs off too easily so some people told me Purity Seal is stronger. I'll let you know how that goes.

You may be able to get it in hobby/gaming stores or get them to order it for you.
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Re: Finding a sealer

Postby kenaiqueen » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:57 pm

Thank you all for the help. I found some of the Testor's at a hobby shop in Anchorage and my son picked it up for me. He was supposed to bring it down to me this weekend but forgot it, so it's going in the regular courier run thru my DH's work. (His bosses are so nice!) I have all the rest of the paints and pencils, so I'll be getting to work on my first face up in the next week or so. Wish me luck!
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