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Making a Sielien BJD

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Making a Sielien BJD

Postby IzabethS » Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:52 am

I was inspired to try and make my own BJD, and today I finally took the plunge and started.

First I created a blueprint of the doll I want to make. She's going to be a Sielien, a species I made up when I was about 12 or 13 years old.

Next I printed it to scale. Believe it or not, this is a 1/4 scale doll because Sielien's are 8 feet tall on average.
I also laid down an SD sized doll (58cm) as a size comparison.

Once I had that, I balled up some tinfoil and started sculpting with super sculpy around it to make the head.
Then I baked it, cut off the back of the head, pried out the tinfoil, and smoothed out the inside and fixed some cracks from the tinfoil removing process and baked it again.

Then I spent over half an hour beveling the eyes, she wears 16mm. I still have a lot more beveling to do, but it's only 39ºF (4ºC) outside so I had to stop and come back inside. Also I don't have the right sized bit either. I also discovered she wears a 7/8 wig.Image

Still looking a bit weird here, but that's because I haven't sanded yet, at all. I need to reshape the face a little, but I'm pretty happy with her so far. Not bad for a first try, huh?
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Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby IzabethS » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:44 am

Mini Update:

I sanded and cut away at her face yesterday, but I'm a long way from being even half way done with the head alone.

As you can see, her mouth is crooked, so I have to fix that. I might just re-sculpt the mouth rather than try and fix it.

I stuck the head onto my SO's doll's body (a 58cm DZ) and she definitely works on that size. The neck is super thick though and I can't position the head because I haven't beveled out a proper socket for the neck yet (I'll do that once I start on the torso), but proportionally it works.
She also stole Ursa's wig. I can't wait to get my camera back, my friend's camera is just horrid at taking pictures...
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Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby MissReckless » Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:45 am

Looks amazing so far,the blue prints look great,it's a really unique unusual beautiful design. The only problem will be clothing her with those extra arms haha

Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby IzabethS » Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:06 am

MissReckless wrote:Looks amazing so far,the blue prints look great,it's a really unique unusual beautiful design. The only problem will be clothing her with those extra arms haha

Thank you! And yes, clothing will be a pain for her, she's also very slim. :D
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Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:53 pm

What do you have planned for her ears?
I'm mostly on Tumblr now.
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Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby MissReckless » Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:59 am

IzabethS wrote:
MissReckless wrote:Looks amazing so far,the blue prints look great,it's a really unique unusual beautiful design. The only problem will be clothing her with those extra arms haha

Thank you! And yes, clothing will be a pain for her, she's also very slim. :D

I own a repainted monster high doll they have the thinnest bodies and are so hard to dress. Depending on your species a more wild look and native tribal clothing like loin cloths might work. For a more modern look you might be able to add some extra arm holes in a no sew sock dress (tutorial: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showt ... ew-Sweater) it makes sweaters or dresses using simple cheap socks that fit any dolls. I'd recomend a small size of children's socks for her since she is so slim but since she's fairly tall maybe a longer pair of socks. You can get cheap pairs of socks with nice patterns for just a few dollars and since they come in pairs you can make a sweater and a dress in each design.

Re: Making a Sielien BJD

Postby IzabethS » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:34 am

Gift_in_Edge wrote:What do you have planned for her ears?

For the ears I want to make them be able to move, like bunny ears. I just need to look at a doll with swivel ears to get an idea on how to do it!

MissReckless wrote:
IzabethS wrote:
MissReckless wrote:Looks amazing so far,the blue prints look great,it's a really unique unusual beautiful design. The only problem will be clothing her with those extra arms haha

Thank you! And yes, clothing will be a pain for her, she's also very slim. :D

I own a repainted monster high doll they have the thinnest bodies and are so hard to dress. Depending on your species a more wild look and native tribal clothing like loin cloths might work. For a more modern look you might be able to add some extra arm holes in a no sew sock dress (tutorial: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showt ... ew-Sweater) it makes sweaters or dresses using simple cheap socks that fit any dolls. I'd recomend a small size of children's socks for her since she is so slim but since she's fairly tall maybe a longer pair of socks. You can get cheap pairs of socks with nice patterns for just a few dollars and since they come in pairs you can make a sweater and a dress in each design.

Thanks for the link! And Sielien's need to wear stuff they can easily move in, since they pretty much all have ADHD by our standards.
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