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Hybrids wanted!

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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby MayYeo » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:14 pm

I never had hybrids until now that I started buying heads. I plan on making a band, and all the members will be hybrids. So far I have 2 out of 5 complete. It's taking its time as I need a lot of money to save for them, since they're all in the 70cm range. However now that I'm doing this, I'm loving it! Two examples:


The biggest guy is an Angelsdoll Michael head on a Spiritdoll Herculean body. The resin match is pretty good. He needed to have his neckhole modded though. The guy with the pan is an ANother Secret Shadow King on Granado body. Resin match is amazing, and proportions are good, but I plan on getting him a 68cm body instead (that one is 64cm).
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Nelly19 » Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:07 am

That's amazing!!!!! They look so real. And the 68 is a good idea lol but so far your guys look awesome
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Siead » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:06 am

zig is (currently) an obitsu vinyl head on a bobobie body, but i am replacing it with a resin one. i find that the s-hook keeps twisting out of the neckhole when i try to pose her, since there isnt a "lock" for the hook, and it actually started warping the hole after a while. i currently have a keychain ring between the hook and the head inside to keep it from popping out when posing her head. but the vinyl seems really thin at the neckhole. so maybe it's just the head i got. :/ meh!
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby dhawktx » Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:10 pm

With Victoria Victrix's help, I found a Mirodoll MSD body for my floating Fairyland Anubis head, but the body was immediately snatched by my Fairyland Mature LTF Breakaway head (event head with original Chicline release). The Mirodoll is VERY pink and the Fairyland is more apricot, so I body blushed to help blend and adjusted the faceup towards pink. IRL it's a pretty good match and I plan on getting two more for my other Breakaway and Ruru heads. In this case the underside of the head had a cavity for the CLine connector, but I just filled it in with hot glue and it works fine.

My various comparison shots are Here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dhawktx/se ... 042739681/

Thsi shot shows the difference in the bare resins:

Breakaway on Mirodoll 2 by dhawktx1, on Flickr

And this is after a quick blushing:

Anubis and Breakaway by dhawktx1, on Flickr

It also looks good for an Orientdoll TAE (crappy camera focused on the table, LOL!):

Orientdoll TAE on Mirodoll body by dhawktx1, on Flickr
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Sorean » Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:57 pm

Whee, hybrid love! Lots of my boyos are hybrids... something about figuring out what size and color will match is fun for me. The thrill of the hunt? XD

Still waiting for a wig, Dino is an Obitsu Joshua head on an Fdoll body. The color match is really good, he just has a little bit of a giraffe neck when he isn't wearing a wig.


Kouta, Leeke Romeo head on a NS-P Doll Family body... The head is more yellow toned, so he might actually match a NS-Y, but I just blush the head to match.


And Mata, an Delf Elf Chiwoo head on a 69cm Fdoll body. The match is pretty darn close, although you can see a difference under certain light.

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