After having Eden for awhile, I started searching for 1/3 ones that aren't to heavy on the pocket. And I've stumbled upon Bobobie. I did search more after that but I ended up liking the price and one doll in particular.
At first I didn't like her because of the elf ears but after a few searching and going back to this site I grew to love her ears especially when I found the perfect wig for an Elf
I just haven't bought her yet because I was a bit hesitant for an unknown reason but earlier this after noon I found this
Now, I'd like your opinion, why is it so cheap?! Would I be getting myself into trouble by buying something just because I saw it on sale and get something of lesser value? Or is it just me being paranoid? Anyways, I'd like to hear what you guys think of this.
Halp T-T