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Is this a legit site?

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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby Dirili » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:49 pm

Stormlight wrote:Yeah. Definitely recasts. They're selling "Soom's Zinc" who actually doesn't look anything like him. Human torso way too dark, horse body way too light. Wrong color clothes and wig. But it's definitely his face. Those assholes. :evil:

They used the images from Soom's page for Epidos:

Recasters often seem to post stock images from the original companies' websites in their sales pages. They also often misname the dolls or add extra names or words in the titles to try to grab more searchers.
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby mochi.kochi » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:20 pm

So glad I decided to asked XD Just by the name of the doll I was looking at, it was already suspisious. Imagine a doll named "SD doll blueberries a BJD doll sd / bjd doll soom dod volks BJD" :| And I checked to see what the original doll's price actually was. And if I found the right one, she wasn't an SD she's an MSD
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby Evelien » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:03 am

Yeah, she's an Asleep Eidolon Blueberry actually. Not an SD Blueberries [url][/url]:-D
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby mochi.kochi » Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:42 am

Evelien wrote:Yeah, she's an Asleep Eidolon Blueberry actually. Not an SD Blueberries [url][/url]:-D

Aha! I knew it! I was alternately looking at both pictures to see if the had the same face 'cause they had different pics XD Haha Thanks~ :>
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby Shinku_Rhapsody » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:28 pm

They had a Pukipuki Pongpong for $120 (recast). The basic one from Fairyland costs $160... :roll:
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby sceimhiuil » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:39 pm

Definitely report to Iplehouse and SOOM, and any other companies whose stuff's been copied... if they want to, they can take care of it from there...
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby MagicMage » Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:37 pm

I can tell you without a doubt that the majourity of the doll sellers on Aliexpress are recast dolls. It's an alternative site to Taobao (where most Recasters hang out) where they can actually charge English speakers more than they would a Chinese speaker. When searching for dolls, I would avoid it.
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby Calivano » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:22 pm

What a bunch of crooks and frauds!

http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product ... 86563.html

"Doll: iplehouse the Ashanti Now new baby, standing in good condition, no leg length, smooth texture, no air bubbles and impurities, quality problems can be returned, and colors to choose from general muscle, whitening, the first card, welcome to the pro to come pick set!Wiped his Brooklyn pad head affixed to send the eyes eye mudThis price does not include clothes, wigs shoes!Make-up pro can contact the owner!"

No leg length indeed! translate: "You buy fake doll! We no cheat you! We no lie! Buy Buy Buy!"

That is all I see. Thumbs down.
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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby claws » Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:44 pm

This makes me sick. I would love to get an Iplehouse Akando for only $300. I wonder what I'd actually get for $300...probably something really awful, if anything at all. :(

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Re: Is this a legit site?

Postby magkelly » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:31 pm

I wouldn't do it. Even if it wasn't such a bad thing for Iple, I don't trust sites like this with that kind of $$$. That being said if they ever had a Luo on there for $299 I'd be sitting here digging my nails into my thighs and gnawing on my bottom lip till it was raw the temptation would be so damned bad, laugh. :twisted:
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