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Udder Randomness

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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby DollyKim » Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:44 am

The shape of our teeth basically say if we can catch it we can eat it.

Today's randomness is about The Wiggles, Taba Naba is one of the most beautiful things ever, their early videos with their production values have a certain charm, and The Clap sums it all up in about a minute. I might make heads just to have a crazy eyed Murray hanging around.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby knittnkitten » Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:05 am

I don't have canines, I have fangs.

okay, no not really, but I have pretty long canines.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby KitKat » Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:54 am

These vegan stories remind me of a very good friend of mine. He was an awesomely sweet guy who was hindu. He would NEVER tell someone what to eat or do. He hung out with hardcore red meat eating dudes who threw BBQ's all the time. Well, one day I was at Steak and Shake for a 2 am grease re-fill when I saw him with a friend eating a hamburger!! I laughed and asked him how in the hell can his religion condone that one? He said,"Oh, Hinduism looks down upon eating cow, but once in a while I NEED a sacred sandwhich!!" I about died laughing. I found out he only ate cow twice in his lifetime and I caught him on his third. From then on we would joke that he was just consuming the body of Vishnu like catholics consume the body of christ. Best vegan dude EVER!!
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:59 am

I'm hosting this coming Thanksgiving and my stepmother in law and stepbrother in law are both vegan so I'm just going to make everything but the turkey as vegan and they just won't eat that. She feeds us meat when we visit but she won't touch the stuff herself and if my father-in-law wants meat he has to cook it on the grill because her stove isn't allowed to be contaminated.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Jany » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:01 pm

Sounds like my cousin's son, he's got hardcore celiac disease so they've got two sets of everything - one set for him, one for the rest of the family. As soon as something has been up close and personal with anything containing glutene, it will make him sick. They have to bring his own food just about everywhere if they're invited.

Half my family are nutritional special needs kids. My sis has been vegetarian since childhood, her husband recently decided to go vegan, my boyfriend is lactose intolerant, my mom can't have glutene and milk protein and has a ton of allergies to top it off ... this xmas will be quite the challenge trying to cook for that lot! (Not sure if sis&hubby will be able to make it though, that might simplify things a little.)
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:52 pm

Jany wrote:Half my family are nutritional special needs kids. My sis has been vegetarian since childhood, her husband recently decided to go vegan, my boyfriend is lactose intolerant, my mom can't have glutene and milk protein and has a ton of allergies to top it off ... this xmas will be quite the challenge trying to cook for that lot! (Not sure if sis&hubby will be able to make it though, that might simplify things a little.)

Aw man that really sounds like my husband's side of the family. He's deathly allergic to carrots, and mildly allergic to any fruit/berry that grows on a tree and some nuts. His sister has all of the allergies and is also allergic to fish of any kind. Their dad is allergic to all nuts. I'm a celiac, and then you have the vegans. My step-mother-in-law loves the challenge of feeding us all. I really have no idea how she does it but she's sending me some links so that I can get decent recipes for Thanksgiving.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Jany » Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:10 am

Kudos to her, and good luck with the links! I'm considering to just do a kind of buffet thing so that everyone can pick what they can have ... lucky there's still time to plan it all out. :-)
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby coloredimage » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:23 am

Is anyone else a lister? I'm a horrible lister. I mean, it's helpful and everything, but I feel like I need to list every little thing we need for the apartment including things we can buy after we move in.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby knittnkitten » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:37 pm

I like lists! with my ADD... well, my family's ADD, its the only way we can remember anything is to write it down.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:40 pm

I list everything that I need to do/need to pack/ect. It's the only way we ever get anything done. At one point I may have had a check list for my checklists.

I want to get a puppy so bad. And by puppy I mean this adorable little five year old long haired Chihuahua named Sparky who's at the local humane society. He's sooo cute. And we're totally at a spot in our lives where we could provide a very nice life full of love and other good things to a small dog in need of a home. But! But we know he has some anxiety issues from his previous owners. Not abused per say but very neglected and so he's very nervous around people. I don't know if we're the best family for this particular adorable little bundle of nerves. And if we go back to see him there's no way we won't just take him home and I just want to do what's in everyone's best interest.
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