It's getting there. All my fabric and sewing stuff is organized into bins now by type. I've got new huge shelf/dresser things that hold most of my clothes and that have a couple of larger shelves than can hold a nice sized collection of my big girls. I've got six sets of those cubes to configure and several folding bookcases, about a dozen new decorative hat boxes I can store stuff in. By the time I am done I think about 1/2 of my doll collection will finally be out of the plastic 30 gallon storage boxes and all of it will be categorized, organized, and properly arranged. It's a very big task task actually and that despite the fact that most of it was pretty well organized in the 30 gallon storage boxes.
I spent this afternoon putting away all the shoes that up till now I had no organizer boxes for and rearranging all the shoes by doll type and size. I'm estimating but counting the shoes they're currently wearing I think there are something like 500 pairs of shoes. No, I'm not kidding. I started doing a casual count and I was staggered to realize there were that many. Most of them are Barbie shoes, and there are a lot of Tonner type doll shoes, but there's quite a variety of other shoes too. It took me like 12 bead and baseball card boxes to organize them all and that's not even quite it I don't think because somewhere I have a bag of like 50 pairs of Barbie Basics shoes and a whole bag of Bratz shoes that I didn't count because they are off in a box somewhere that I haven't gotten to.
I'm actually sitting here now taking a break from organizing the big doll jewelry. I want to get that organized into some smaller bead boxes that I have by set and eventually I'll do the same with the Barbie jewelry too. I have a 3 gallon bags of small accessories that I have to go through too. I want to organize all that stuff by what it is so I don't have to go crazy looking for something when I want to do a shoot. I'll know where the drink cups and the mini coke bottles are, what bracelets and earrings are where, et all. It's just amazing to me how much STUFF I've collected since I started with a Barbie in like 2000. At this point I kind of feel like I need a whole room just for the dolls.
I'd have to kick out my last roommate to get that though, and unless the dolls somehow start paying half my rent that's not going to happen, laugh.