I have a serious buzz on for this guy doll. I'm going to start saving some $$$ to buy me one but not having bought a resin BJD before I have a few questions. First, could I buy a Luo head from Iplehouse and put it on a mirodoll 60cm body to scale down the size and weight just a bit and maybe save me a few $$$? I'm looking at the normal skin tone and a normal body. I'm not looking for him to have big muscles, quite the contrary. Or maybe buy him on resale? I've not seen him on resale anywhere but then again I'm not a member over at DOA and I don't browse the sales there.
If ever I am going to buy a resin BJD this is the guy I want. I'm totally nuts for him, but I can't handle $700 plus in 5 months. I was hoping I could put the head on lay-a-way, pay that off over 5 months, then maybe find a cheaper body I could put it on? He's a bit big actually on the normal 70cm body anyway. If I could get him on a slightly smaller body that would suit me just fine. I just absolutely love his sculpt though. He reminds me a lot of a 20 something lead singer of a certain 60's band that I had more than a bit of a crush on growing up. If he were human I'd be totally drooling...