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A Room Box Built for Two!

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A Room Box Built for Two!

Postby embyquinn » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:51 pm

Johnny and Cherry have been pestering me for weeks for a bigger room box--Cherry's travel room is a bit cramped for the pair of them. Having completely reorganized our bedroom, there is officially room for me to set up, well, their room. It's still a room box, and it can be folded up and carried around, but right now it's more or less permanently set up by my side of the bed.


I transplanted a couple of items--the computer, the television, the cherry blossom picture window--but most of the furnishings are 100 percent original. The basic design is based on Barbie's original dream house (which came out when I was all of two), complete with the closet, built-in desk and bookcase. The only thing is lacks is a handle on the top. When it's folded up, there's a door and window on the outside wall, but when the floor's down, you can't see it...I kind of spaced on that part. Doh.


Here is the brand new double-wide futon, built on the same specifications as the original single-wide, but in order to make it a full/queen-sized bed (and sofa-sized seat), I used three popsicle sticks for each slat, gluing two end-to-end on top of the third to make a longer piece. Otherwise it's the exact same design. Yes, Cherry has two "grunicorns". I lost the first one and bought a replacement. I found the original one when I cleaned up that corner of the room. The tiger belongs to Johnny--he says he slept with it as a child. The closet really holds clothes, though of course not everything they own. Right now I've got about six outfits each for them. The tubs on either side of the blue chest hold some (not all) of their shoes. Note the matching outfits (which were bought about four years apart)!


The wicker furniture was a dollar store find some time back. All of those books on the shelf are completely real, with pages and everything. The one on the end is Cherry's scrapbook, which I'll have to scan someday. She clips pictures and such and writes cute little captions about them. Notice the Barbie "hatbox" doll case on the shelf below? It's got a real Cherry-sized Barbie in it, too. Johnny's electric guitar (really a pen) in behind the chair; only the neck can be seen. On the bottom shelf of the case is Johnny's Craftsman toolbox, which actually holds a few miniature tools I found. He wants a car to work on now. *headdesk*

And no, I haven't pitched Cherry's original travel room--it's still got furnishings and will be perfect for conventions and stuff. Johnny will just have to cope with a single-occupancy futon.
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Re: A Room Box Built for Two!

Postby richila » Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:52 am

Love the new room! Especially love the wallpaper-it is so cozy. :D
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Re: A Room Box Built for Two!

Postby K2! » Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:11 pm

That's about the size of my apartment (to scale).
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Re: A Room Box Built for Two!

Postby britbrat18 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:35 pm

So cool! This looks amazing. Looks like you had a lot of fun doing it too. And you (or Cherry) could tell Johnny that a single occupancy futon could mean more cuddling, maybe that will help with his coping on trips. ;)
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Re: A Room Box Built for Two!

Postby mochi.kochi » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:12 am

I love how natural the whole place feels :)

So jelly, I wish I could make something like this. All the more have the space for it -_-
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