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Weekly DQ: #28

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Weekly DQ: #28

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:29 am

This week's Dollieh Question from our list. (viewtopic.php?f=41&t=6677)

28. Are your dolls OCs, characters from a book/movie/tv show/etc or the character that the company gave them in the advertisements?

All of my BJDs are OCs. My fashion and other dolls are a mix of all three. Some are company characters like my MH and AG. I've customized an Alice from Twilight doll and have been trying to put together a Tron from Tron doll.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby Stormlight » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:07 am

Mine are all OCs. Some of them may have been inspired by characters from shows or such, but they've all pretty much taken on a life of their own and have little to do with that character anymore except for namesakes.
Last edited by Stormlight on Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:05 am

There's a decent handful of customed dolls who are OCs based on my more dominant plushies, if anything they probably stole their looks from media that I enjoyed. I had to translate a group of animal plushies somehow. So there's been artistic license and loose translation but essentially they're still those plushies

A second group of my customed dolls are characters comes from fave cartoons (April and Casey of TMNT), comics(Zannah of Wildcats) and videogames(Chun Li of Street Fighter, Yuri and Kula of KOF).

And the last group of dolls are characters made by companies - Medicom's Metal Gear Solid 3's snake, Ryus and Chun Lis of Street Fighter

So the dolls you see are the more dominant OCs and Media characters that hang around in my headspace :lol:
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby coloredimage » Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:22 am

All of mine are OCs. Evienne, Myrddin, Coralina, and Estella have base traits from media characters, but they broke away from that and became my own characters a long time ago, they just retain the names given to them originally
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby TsukiNoKemuri » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:03 am

Four of my dolls, all of which I collected before I intentionally started collecting dolls, are characters from one of my favorite video games. Because I had them before I understood that they could be otherwise, and because I like the characters they are based on, they have been -- and probably always will be -- nothing beyond representations of the characters from the game.

For two of my dolls, the company made them to represent a specific character from a specific anime and/or manga, and I was not familiar with either of the series when I collected them. I have no particular interest in the character they were intended to represent; it's the doll itself, free from any burden of identity from the source, that I brought into my home. So they will be OCs for certain.

(As an interesting side note, I have been collecting gashapon and larger display figures for years, all of which were intended to represent specific characters and most of which I was familiar with their origins before I acquired them. In every case, if I knew their origin, those figures have never had any identity for me other than the character they were based on.)

My remaining dolls that I have are all OCs... or will be once I get to know them. Only some have told me their names so far, and I'm still waiting to learn more about who they all are. (This will come with time. I'm still learning how to listen.)
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby takahirokumiko » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:07 pm

My BJDs are OCs.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby Nella » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:22 pm

All of my dolls are my own OCs. In the case of Dru and Ethel, they were chosen to shell an existing character but everyone else had a character created for them once they arrived.

I'm not sure I'd get a doll that was supposed to be a movie, video-game or anime character. I'd feel too limited and like the doll wasn't 'mine'.

I find some of the characters that the doll companies, such as Dream of Doll, come up with are very interesting but it's the same as with the anime dolls. Since the doll wouldn't represent one of my own characters, I wouldn't have the same connection to them.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby magkelly » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:40 pm

Some of them are, some are not. Most of my fashion dolls have at least one doll that is still the OC but if I get a variant on the same doll it gets renamed and a lot of the time I will custom the second doll even more so it becomes a relative or a completely different character. Little dolls anything goes. I have certain dolls like my Wonder Woman doll and Harry Potter who are the characters they were meant to be but mostly I like to make up my own names and my own relationships between dolls and usually it's not media based.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby britbrat18 » Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:16 pm

All my characters are Fan Character Dolls. Of characters that I like a lot, ones that I've had stuck with me for years. Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon, and Kratos, Lloyd, and Anna from Tales of Symphonia. Though I suppose Anna could technically be half and half. Since you never see what she looks like, or who she really is,(besides a name and a slight background), I've had to create her personality and appearance to what I think she would be like. :)
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Re: Weekly DQ: #28

Postby Siead » Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:04 pm

the bigguns and littleuns are OC, but all the 1/6th scale right now are homages to something from comics, movies or etc. i found that if i was going to be spending money on homage dolls i should stick to cheap thriftstore dolls for the bodies lol.
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