by TsukiNoKemuri » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:03 am
Four of my dolls, all of which I collected before I intentionally started collecting dolls, are characters from one of my favorite video games. Because I had them before I understood that they could be otherwise, and because I like the characters they are based on, they have been -- and probably always will be -- nothing beyond representations of the characters from the game.
For two of my dolls, the company made them to represent a specific character from a specific anime and/or manga, and I was not familiar with either of the series when I collected them. I have no particular interest in the character they were intended to represent; it's the doll itself, free from any burden of identity from the source, that I brought into my home. So they will be OCs for certain.
(As an interesting side note, I have been collecting gashapon and larger display figures for years, all of which were intended to represent specific characters and most of which I was familiar with their origins before I acquired them. In every case, if I knew their origin, those figures have never had any identity for me other than the character they were based on.)
My remaining dolls that I have are all OCs... or will be once I get to know them. Only some have told me their names so far, and I'm still waiting to learn more about who they all are. (This will come with time. I'm still learning how to listen.)