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Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

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Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby Vetinari » Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:48 pm

Soo... Drax and Jerome both enjoy gender confusing roles/outfits, but so far I haven't actually bought much stuff that reflects this... Jerome will be on a 65cm Dollzone body if that helps... Drax I'm less sure for now but he'll be in the 70cm+ range...

So which companies make larger female doll clothes that could fit them?
I'm thinking maybe Iplehouse? Soom Mecha Angel stuff?

Edit: Oh and Dollheart! Though I confess I'm slightly put off by the price of their sets, lovely though they are (I got a few random bits in one of their lucky bags, it's all gorgeous but none of it suits any of my dolls!)
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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby Stormlight » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:08 pm

Probably Iplehouse SID/EID clothes would fit. Their girls are quite large and busty. I have some SID clothes for my Feeple65 girl and they fit like a glove, so EID clothes would probably fit the boys well. Just don't buy any shirts with boning or otherwise molded to fit the bustline. I think your boys would probably have a hard time properly filling them out. :lol:
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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby yarwel » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:30 pm

From the measurements I've seen, it seems that girl bjd's are almost always as large or larger around the chest than their male counterparts, but much smaller around the waist. It may end up being more a matter of choosing styles that aren't too fitted around the waist, but still work for the look you're going for.
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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby zirconmermaid » Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:02 pm

You can also commission people. AND mug porcelain dolls. What style?
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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby Vetinari » Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:26 am

:D Thanks for the suggestions! Style-wise Drax would simply wear anything feminine that catches his eye... But nothing too revealing, just feminine. Drax's general style is fantasy Victorian to modern/eccentric traveller... (Drax will happily wear almost anything style-wise tbh)

Jerome on the other hand is all about showing as much skin as possible! His male stuff is all v.modern, but I imagine the female outfits might be a bit more old fashioned if it's got a twist.
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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby TurtleJen » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:03 am

Alice's Collections custom sizes SOME stuff since they make it to order.

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Re: Female clothing that'll fit SD+ Guys?

Postby Vetinari » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:10 am

Thanks! That's good to know!
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