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Dolls - Handle with gloves?

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Re: Dolls - Handle with gloves?

Postby famedglory » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:12 am

Yeah...not so much. In fact, I am still occasionally finding bits of sand in Kellan even after having been taken apart and completely cleaned/reseuded him from the beach last summer. I'm not to worried about the oils from my hands with my own dolls. One of the reasons I do my own faceups is so that if(probably when) I eventually ruin them I can just redo it. Of course I'm more cautious with other peoples dolls, but I'm really not afraid of handling my own.
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Re: Dolls - Handle with gloves?

Postby Fallen-AngelGirl » Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:35 pm

Umm... That's..odd to say the least..
I understand if someones doing painting or blushing (especially working with a head) and they want to keep the job clean but regularly? Considering these dolls are so expensive I would guess that anyone that buys one does it because they love the hobby and want to enjoy the doll. And you've got to remember its not like they're made of flower petals :?
Yeah, they're going to get dirty, but that not something a little bath can't fix. Just a few days ago, I didn't notice that my liquid ink pen had burst and I had ink all over the outer side of my hand, and being unaware of it, I picked up my doll and got ink on her :cry: ....
But it washed right off. It was a dumb mistake but definitely not something that's goint to keep me from playing with her like usual.
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Re: Dolls - Handle with gloves?

Postby Rajendora » Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:49 pm

Vinyl and hand painted Kish that Denver Doll Emporiums maybe, but for the rough and tumble resins, there's a reason they call it a 'magic sponge' I wish it took ink stains off vinyl as well. My guys get their backsides dirty somehow just sitting on their shelf for a while. And I'm convinced the only way the nail polish (Scribbles paint) on my girl doll's fingernails is getting messed up is because she bites her nails when no one is looking. If they get grubby just by 'being there' what good will gloves do me! :roll:
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