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New Suxs Thread

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby knittnkitten » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:47 am

yeah, or put a stencil down and bleach a pattern in! discharge designs are very popular.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby coloredimage » Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:56 pm

was rearended today coming home from work. I was stopping at a yellow light and the woman behind me either had to swerve and hit a biker or come at me head on. Amazingly my car is okayI'm just a bit shaken up because I had to not panic and make her freak out worse.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Vetinari » Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:04 pm

Eeek! I hope everyone's car issues work out!

Thanks for the more bleach tip! It'll be something to have a go at this weekend - might just be able to rescue it!
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby kenaiqueen » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:07 pm

Minor suck. Anxiously awaiting my new doll and the bloody UPS man delivers to the prison right next door to us and then blows past me without stopping! Dang. They only promise to deliver sometime today...meantime, I've missed a lunch date I could have gone to had he delivered when he was in my neighborhood at 10am. Plus I have to wait to go to the grocery store for dinner too. *goes back to sewing and sulking.*
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby WhiteDove01s » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:48 pm

My driver's license expires in two weeks, my social security card has gone missing, and I'm having one heck of a time trying to gather up what the DMV considers two valid proofs of residence. Half tempted to get a gun permit (as long as it doesn't mean I have to actually get a gun), since that's one of the short list of papers they accept. The rest are mostly tax forms (I don't work outside the home, since I have to be here in case the Evil Overlord needs assistance), utility bills (only one of those in my name for the household, and thank heaven we never switched it over), or proof of public assistance (if we didn't get food stamps, I wouldn't have enough papers to prove residency!).
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby magkelly » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:01 pm

WhiteDove01s wrote:My driver's license expires in two weeks, my social security card has gone missing, and I'm having one heck of a time trying to gather up what the DMV considers two valid proofs of residence. Half tempted to get a gun permit (as long as it doesn't mean I have to actually get a gun), since that's one of the short list of papers they accept. The rest are mostly tax forms (I don't work outside the home, since I have to be here in case the Evil Overlord needs assistance), utility bills (only one of those in my name for the household, and thank heaven we never switched it over), or proof of public assistance (if we didn't get food stamps, I wouldn't have enough papers to prove residency!).

If you go to your local soc sec office they can give you a temporary card. The license place has to accept that I believe. If it's just gone missing I'd be checking my credit report closely too. You never know...
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby WhiteDove01s » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:56 pm

It's gone missing 'Evil Overlord Style'. When Her Majesty moved in here, she rounded up all identification papers and locked them in a bank deposit box to prevent identity theft. When she went to get papers for the DMV out, she found a metal SSN card I'd had made once and thought that was 'good enough' and didn't bother looking through the rest of the box for the real card. She insisted all day it was 'lost in the wash years ago' until I proved I'd had it when she moved in by retrieving a photocopy that was in one of my drawers where I keep my checks and other such things. So back to the bank tomorrow to get her to search the deposit box again.

If it doesn't turn up then, however... thanks a lot for the tip about a temp one. I have no idea how to check my credit report, as I've never had or used credit.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby famedglory » Wed May 01, 2013 7:34 am

WhiteDove01s wrote:It's gone missing 'Evil Overlord Style'. When Her Majesty moved in here, she rounded up all identification papers and locked them in a bank deposit box to prevent identity theft.

That....that is overwhelmingly illegal on her part. You really can't do that with another adults...well anything...but especially legal documents, not matter what relation you are to them. But I really do understand living with someone with her style. I hope you're able to find it!

kenaiqueen - Did you mean prison next door or person next door? I'm just really curious.

Also, locksmiths are stupidly expensive.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby kenaiqueen » Wed May 01, 2013 9:19 am

famedglory wrote:kenaiqueen - Did you mean prison next door or person next door? I'm just really curious.

Yep. We live right next door to a prison. Actually, we are the first place to the right of the first prison 'gates' which are mostly decorative and won't stop anyone unless they bring out the swinging part and actually lock it. The main buildings are set back quite a ways. It's not a maximum security place but it's well run so I have no fears. (We send our worst offenders out of state usually.) A married couple across the hall in our apartment building both work as guards there.

My doll finally showed up at 4:30, so I wasted the entire day here waiting for it. I'm a bit steamed about it.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby KitKat » Wed May 01, 2013 9:34 am

So my house flooded on Saturday and we just spent three days going through everything that was damaged. I've lost A LOT of books. I'm a little heart broken over some of them. I'm an English teacher and several of those books were for and from the classroom. I really hope I can get some of these back. I'm lucky that I didn't lose family pictures or something major, but the books do hurt.
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