Hello! My very first doll arrived today. As you can imagine, I was full of excitement and happiness The wait was worth it.
I have to apologize for my messy backgrounds. I promise I will make it all tidy for my boy to live in comfortably.
The box, very nice and clean design.
I am very impressed by DOD's packaging. Azera in his cocoon.
His faceup was done beautifully by the artist at DOD. I requested for a sharper look for the eyes.
I am genuinely happy that they randomly gave him a pair of blue-grey eyes, exactly what I was wishing for. He is also wearing one of the wigs that I've received. Actually, I am surprised they send me two wigs instead of one.
I love touching his hands... He is kind of shy because DOD hasn't send his outfit yet.
Full body shot. He has his boots though!
Another full body shot with his second wig. He's my little angel.