Lols, well today's flea market was a total bust. No barbies in over 60 cars. Hmmm, disappoint me is disappointed.
But lol and behold, in one of the grandmotherly stuff buried deep in horrifying porcelain doll skirts was, dare I believe it... a POSE DOLL.
I ENTIRELY blame DollsAhoy for this purchase because if it weren't for her posts about her pose dolls I never would even touch one...
But alas, my first big headed doll... isn't she freakishly adorable?
Okies I tried sticking her head on volks Midi body but it looked so mature for her childlike head... so I stuck her on my legless 23cm Obitsu body... Thanks to the power of tape and wire her head is attached...
Oddly enough her head is Styrofoam with a plastic mask thing for her face and it's textured like stretched cotton. Weird.
Also her legs are aborted attempts at making a goat footed doll...