Dragon CAM arm on 25cm Obitsu girl. Thickened the peg with a thin layer of hot glue, fits great

>_> and I put the Dragon CAM head on my Bitty Bitsu... I actually kind of like how it looks. Now I know what bodies to put all my extra monster heads on, LOL

That's a Liv wig she's wearing, btw. It's a bit too loose on the earless heads (Skeleton and Werewolf), but it fits pretty well on the Dragon head. (The peg has been removed from the wig.)
I also modded a dragon lower-leg piece to fit Nova (25cm Obitsu) but it didn't look right and left her with one leg longer than the other. It might look alright with a skeleton leg sticking out of a human thigh like that, but the dragon piece was just awkward. I didn't get a picture of it before I put her normal leg back on. (I had to shorten the peg and add a layer of hot glue so it would fit.)