by OkamiKodomo » Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:05 pm
Wow...omg wow. Ok, so other than the pressure of a supervisor position, I am totally loving this. I came home from work today, bone-tired and a bit sore, but I love it. I haven't been this tired since I worked at Universal Studios on the stock team. I was more or less doing the same sort of work I did as a stocker, but I don't have to deal with the Florida heat and sun, the random rainstorms, or the bitchy tourists, and with a bit more paperwork. And I make almost double what I did at Universal. I busted ass today, and there's nothing better than doing a hard day's work, and knowing you're actually getting paid what it's worth.
I made a bonehead mistake when I first got there, and that was leaving my friggin name badge in the car, but other than a short reprimand not to do it again, that was it. My boss is pretty fair. If you screw up it's 'don't do it again', and done. And it's a busy job... I didn't stop all day long. Nine hours flew by. I was only supposed to be there til 3:30, but I didn't leave til 5, because there was still work to be done, and by golly, I was getting it done. My boss asked if I was ready to leave at 3:45, and I said I don't mind staying a little later to help her finish up. Though she practically kicked me out at 5 lol, saying "go on, I can't have you here any more than nine hours."
And it is freakin' awesome to be told to "take your break and don't come back til your time is up." Whereas with AFA, it was "even though we're deducting half an hour from your check, regardless, we 'encourage' you to minimize your break times. Only leave your station as long as it takes to pee. Remember, this is an opportunity." Pfffft.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!