catshem wrote:gotta love that bossy friend who thinks they know your situation. You're so wonderfully supportive when you tell me to tell my husband to "get over it." Yes, yes, he's totally going to just brush off and get over another dude-whose historically tried to get it on with his wife-talking to her again.
Do I want to talk to him? Not really. I've blocked the majority of possible communication ports; only FB messages is open because it's unavoidable.
I didn't even expect the guy to try coming on to me again. I was for years out of communication with him, he was married. Now he's divorced and active on FB again and me, not thinking, said to him "oh, glad to hear you're alive, sorry about your divorce. hope you're doing well." and then BAM! Dude's all over me likes we're gonna be besties with benefits. NOPE. Dude, I don't mind chatting but no, you will NOT say how 'cute' I am; No, we will not be "meeting up"; and No, we will NOT "role play."

Leave him one message to the effect of "you have totally offended me, and I wouldn't want you 100 miles near me if you were the last living creature on earth," then block him on FB. After that, if he communicates with you in ANY way, report him to YOUR local police and HIS local police for cyberstalking or IRL stalking. Research stalking laws in your state. And, if neccessary, prepare to take out a restraining order against him, and if he contacts you somehow again after THAT, you can have his ass thrown in jail.
If he's not totally crazy, one little call from the police will cool his jets fast. If he IS totally crazy, you've started a paper trail on him to get him put away. Or at least, get him to go obsess over someone that thinks such behavior is "cute."