I don't get as anal about it with the Barbies, but my big girls I like to keep up with all their stuff. Some of that stuff is worth a fair bit and prices go up and down. It pays sometimes to keep track of it. Knowing just when to sell off some stuff can be a good thing. Also if you know the really good stuff well you can spot it better in what often looks like junk lots. I just got a $100 doll outfit because the person who auctioned it off had no idea of what it was and just threw it together with some loose dolls and stuff. Also being a font of knowledge can be lucrative. I act as a doll consultant to a few resellers in my area. I get paid for my time and expertise in doll stuff. The reason I have hundreds of Barbie dolls is because knowing all that stuff got me a much larger collection than I would have if I had to buy them all.
Oh and speaking of? I found the head for one of these in a lot of junk Barbies last year. Redhead, ruby I think. Even a head for a vintage Color Magic Barbie can go for $150 if the face paint is in great shape, and mine was. My only regret is that I have yet to find a decent vintage body to put her on that I can afford as yet. (She's on a FQ repro body, for now.) On her correct body she's a $400 Barbie doll.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tinker-tai ... 2555471603I usually don't need a database though. I worked retail for years. All that stuff it usually just sticks in the memory. I used to do the same thing with SKU #'s and items in my stores. It's scary how that stuff stays with you sometimes, but with me it does. It's unusual that I draw a blank on doll stuff like this.