by OkamiKodomo » Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:13 pm
There is a gecko crawling on my wall. While I'm glad to see the increase in lizards running around in my house (though I am scratching my head as to how they get in) as they will help combat the infestation we are STILL fighting, I do worry about all the chemicals we've been spraying making the little guys sick.
He (she?) is currently poking his (her?) head out from under the speaker above my desk and watching me. It's the cutest little thing. Hahah and it just backed up under the speaker again.
Yes, I love reptiles and amphibians. Some people are grossed out by them, but I love em. My mother says when I was younger, I used to run around after a rainstorm and collect the little "hoppers" as I called them (pinky-nail sized frogs) that were about, and put them in a jar.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!