by famedglory » Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:09 pm
I both love and hate moving. On the one hand, it's nice to get rid of a bunch of stuff that I never use/don't want/shouldn't have and organize everything(especially my studio things) into a more functional system. On the other had, getting rid of stuff is stressful, I'm lazy and hate manual labor ie moving boxes, and I just packed up all my dolls for the next week and half/two weeks. Hopefully not any longer or Imma hurt someone. I feel really strangely guilty for boxing them up, especially after I *just* finished sueding Ella and resueding Kellan. Got some decent shots of them before packing with my spiffy new camera I just picked up last night. That definitely goes onto the "yay" side of things.
EDIT: As soon as I posted this I realized something about my doll names. K-Ella-n. Never realized Ella was in Kellan's name *headdesk*