Just don't come to Florida for a teaching job. The school system down here is among the worst in the States. You know they have so little budget that they're making parents supply stuff for entire classes. My friend just went shopping for her kindergartener, and the school list said "6 boxes of crayons, 12 glue sticks and 4 bottles of glue" as well 8 sheafs of paper, though I didn't catch whether it was loose-leaf or printer paper. I told her not to let her daughter bring more than one glue stick and one box of crayons in at a time, until she sees what's going on. I understand there's a lot of arts and crafts, in kindergarten, but 6 boxes of crayons? Really?
Best of luck, KitKat. -hug-
And TatsuKitty, I'm sorry to hear that!
What sculpt is it?
On my end, I told my fiance that no-one is to come over for the next two weeks at LEAST, because I'm going to be busting ass at work, and I don't need the stress. If he wants to hang with his friends, he has to go visit with them. He got pissy at me! We'll see what happens in the next few days. -sigh- I had to go in today off the clock, to help the new supervisor, but I was already expecting it. I don't think she's going to last. Which means we are so very very screwed for the holidays, because we won't be able to get another supervisor trained in time.