O.O Oh noes! Poor dollieh.
I honestly can't believe some people. Good for you Victoria, you've already gone above and beyond what most would do and you don't need to deal with their ingratitude. Sucks about the car, that's really a lot of hassle. =(
Tis like my little brother's ex telling him she's planning to move to another state and get pregnant again because she wants all her kids to be two years apart, she doesn't care who the dad is. Even though she currently has a boyfriend who she is supposedly going to marry at some point... Not that anything that comes out can be taken seriously and she doesn't know the meaning of follow through. Plus she keeps telling him he needs to take the baby more because she doesn't want him. Blegh. And people wonder why I'm not particularly interested in dating. Got to deal with all these crazy emotional 18yr olds that think they're adults because they have a kid. And my brother STILL doesn't have a job. He's had all summer to get a job and passed up multiple great opportunities for work because he "didn't want to do that" or "it's boring" or "I don't want to work at those times" Grrrr. If he'd taken the one job he'd not only be making bank but he would probably have a promotion by now and be able to work a better shift. ><
Not that I can say much (I'm a spoiled brat and I know it), my parents make him pay for a lot more than they make me because "grades" or whatever. I'm grateful but it kind of freaks me out as to what I'm going to do when they suddenly decide I need to start paying for stuff. XD Or worse yet if my dad loses his job because his work is stupid and keeps laying people off and hiring people that don't know what they're doing but they hire them because the company doesn't have to pay them as much as the older folks who've been working for the company for years and know the ins and outs of everything. >_> I don't want to grow up. T_T