I've tried from Gmail, from Yahoo, and from my roommate's account which is custom to our cable carrier and never goes into anyone's spam folder from what I can tell. No reply. I guess I'm just a bit impatient and nervous. I've never ordered anything from some place so far away or used a credit card via Pay Pal. As it was I had to get a family member with an Am Exp so we could even do it because our credit union credit cards they would not process via Pay Pal. I've heard some major horror stories about Pay Pal. They're my first and likely only BJD's too. Long time want so I don't take that for granted. I can't. So not knowing what's up with them is really hard.
I'll feel a lot more secure when I know they are on my shelf waiting for heads. I really want those Dollmore heads but the whole shipping from China thing is just killing me. I'm still half tempted just to buy some used heads domestically just so I don't have to go through this again with those! But I really want my Essex and Sara. Those heads they're perfect heads for me considering 98% of what I collect is fashion based dolls. I would have so much more fun with my BJD's if they were like fashion models than not. Most of the adult heads I've seen they have not been MSD sized and the ones I have seen, very expensive. These are reasonable, sort of, and the right size and color from what I can tell.
Also Essex and Sara they admittedly look a lot like me and one of my favorite imaginary boyfriends. That's too silly I suppose but I do think they're adorable together and it tickles me seeing a doll that looks a bit like me and a bit like him together. Oh geeze, that's so stalker creepy isn't it when you actually say it aloud? Okay, and this bit of dollie weirdness folks is coming from the same woman who gets completely creeped out when she sees a more childlike head on an adult body too!!! Here I am picking a doll because he looks like an actor who's looks I'm a bit mad about? I'm almost as bad as all those people who like that XXX Hentai stuff, aren't I?
Wait a minute though, I'm in good company here with that one, right? I mean considering how popular resin Mr Cumberbatch is and how many cute hand molded Doctors have popped up in pics around here? I'm not too perverted because I badly want a resin BJD doll that looks like a younger Soren-2 from the Prince and Me sequels, am I? The resemblance isn't dead on, particularly with the default face up, eyebrows are all wrong, mouth is too full, but the sculpt it's close enough for me in an "if Soren was a cartoon boy" sort of way and I think I can work it so it's closer.

This is my favorite pick of Soren actually. I love him in his glasses, and yes, my boy will have him some chic ones and a snazzy dark suit just like that!
Oh and odd twist, the wiki for this guy, the actor? It says he was born in ESSEX, now is that too cute or what? A nice little bit synchronicity there. I figure "Essex" was kind of born to be Soren, no? That is going to be his name, btw. Haven't decided on her. I thought I might name her "Magdalena" after the great, great, and so forth, Grandma my screen name came from. But that might be pushing the weird factor I think.
http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=7613Soren-2 (Prince and Me 4)
http://jonathanfirthfans.webs.com/apps/ ... =153127697I like this hair better though....
http://jonathanfirthfans.webs.com/apps/ ... =153127125 or even better this hair, but I'm not too sure it would work with a suit...
http://jonathanfirthfans.webs.com/apps/ ... =163694807